My Experience Attending the Argentina Fahui


PureInsight | June 21, 2004

[] In March of this year I went to Argentina for the First International South American Fahui. This is only a partial account of what happened.

As I arrived that night at a practitioner's house in Buenos Aires, I was informed that a lot of Chinese practitioners where not able to leave their country because they were denied the visa to enter Argentina. There was one Chinese practitioner from Peru, one from Brazil, and a group of 22 practitioners from Taiwan.

We stayed up most of the night to discuss this issue, and then we decided to write a letter to the President of Argentina, and hand it directly to him the following morning. We slept for a couple of hours and at 6:00 a.m. we were doing the practice in front of the presidential residence in Buenos Aires. One hour later we arrived at the main gate and handed our letter to the security guard. The guards wanted to know how many we were going to be at our Falun Gong conference, from which country were we coming from etc… We were there in a small group of seven; each of us was from a different country. The officer in charge was pleased and curious. He said that he was going to give the letter directly to the president right then during his breakfast time when usually he was reading the morning news. We also were surprised at how we could contact the President of Argentina so quickly and so efficiently. We went home to meet the newly arrived.

That late morning we came to know that the Peruvian Chinese practitioner was now being held at the Immigration Office at the airport and was scheduled to be sent back to Peru that same day with the next return flight. The local practitioners were not around. I contacted the assistant in charge and to my surprise she said that there was nothing that could be done at that point because things had gotten very complicated at the government offices where other practitioners had gone to clarifying the truth. Then she explained to me what happened. The airport police had at some point requested the payment of a sum of money for the practitioner to be released. The practitioners refused to do so and went to the government building to protest for what they thought was a bribe to pay to some one there. They talked to several officials but in the end their effort had received a negative response.

The Peruvian practitioner had to go back to where she came from that same day.

I was astounded. I could not believe that nothing could be done to change that old force arrangement. I went out at once, heading for the airport.

Since I had just arrived in Buenos Aires I was not familiar with the city and there were no taxis around. I took a bus but learned from the driver the bus was not going to that airport. I found a different bus that took me to a taxi station. It took me two hours to reach the airport. I looked for the Immigration Office, which I found to be at the end of the building. I entered and followed a long corridor in a dim light, turning around corners and ending at a small window with a glass and an opening in the middle to talk inside. There was nobody there. I waited and I sent forth righteous thoughts. After a while a man appeared behind the glass. I told him that I am a friend of the Falun Gong practitioner from Peru. He said that I had to wait and he disappeared. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts. My hands and my whole body become hot like never before. I waited and waited but I did not mind. That gave me time to send forth righteous thoughts. Suddenly an officer told me that I could enter and he opened the door. I met a Chinese lady that I had never seen before. We shook hands but I understood that she did not speak English, but she did speak a little Spanish. I helped with the translation in talking to the officer in charge. Now she could enter the country but there was something still that was holding things back. We needed to pay for the visa so I was escorted to the main counter where they officially take the charge due and it was done!

We then walked out of that place through the security checkpoints and we smiled, and I felt very light, as if there never had been a problem.

We met other practitioners outside that came to give us a ride home.

The next day the second Chinese practitioner from Brazil arrived and joined us at the house. Also, the news arrived that the ban was lifted for the 22 practitioners from Taiwan.

A miracle had happened, and things turned out good. I had followed my path and simply did what Master told us to do. Others had been working on the same issue probably in many different ways. Some by going to the government offices, some others by sending faxes or email from distant countries like Canada etc… I was happy for the country of Argentina that was making good steps toward a bright future.

On the surface things seemed very simple but on other levels there was a huge clash and the good forces were prevailing.

I had been a particle of Dafa, but this time I felt my determination to save sentient beings in spite of all the obstacles and the false evidence appearing real. I felt that we Dafa practitioners are one body with great power to change anything.

Our benevolent and compassionate Master had wonderfully arranged the rest of my trip. I left the big group and I traveled south with a companion practitioner. He was a young Argentinean and a serious practitioner just out of college. We went to visit some Italian relatives of mine and other places of interest to clarifying the truth and introduce Dafa to people.

My cousin gave me his car for three days so we managed to cover a lot of ground. We contacted media, we give some interviews and many people came up to us to learn the practice.

Even though I was short on cash because they were not accepting credit cards, we were always taken care of.

On the last day we purchased a ticket back to Buenos Aires with the exact amount of money that I had in my pocket! We sat in the front top reclining seats of a two story bus with large windows right in front of us. After a long busy day we waited inside the bus for the departure because we had no money for dinner. Unexpectedly we were served a nice traveling dinner compliments of the bus company!

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