Needing A Hammer to Get the Message Across

U.S.A. Practitioner

PureInsight | February 9, 2004

[] Master states, "Every human attachment must be abandoned, no matter what it is." (Essentials For Further Advancement, "Huge Exposure.") It is my understanding that the disciples of this era do not have the luxury of spending months trying to identify and then remove an attachment. Just last week, I was repeatedly encountering the same issue at work. I concluded this was a sign that there was an attachment I needed to identify and release. It was obvious that Master was trying to tell me what the attachment was, but I was still clueless even when I looked within. Finally, I asked Master if he would, the next day, clearly point out the attachment in a manner I could not possibly miss, since I sincerely wanted to get to the root of the problem.

Nothing special happened at work the next day. Oftentimes, when I read the articles on PureInsight or Clearwisdom, Master's hint will become evident through the experience-sharing of other practitioners, but not this time. That evening a telephone marketer wanting to sell me a product called my home phone. I calmly told the caller that this was my third call that night from his company, and would he take me off the calling list. To my surprise, he told me the procedures I would have to do to get taken off the calling list. I told him I was already on the federal list not to receive these types of calls, thus he was not supposed to be calling me. Then I politely asked him again to take me off the calling list. Once I said that, the poor man exploded with "But I have every right to call you." Then he yelled, "I am right by federal and state laws to call you." He kept saying that he was right over and over. It was obvious during the conversation that this was a xinxing test and that I was not doing well. I ended the call without rectifying the situation as a practitioner.

Now, looking back at the situation, I even displayed the attachment in the content of what I said to the man, but I still failed to see it. I knew better than to fight with another person, and I had not thought of this person first. But, why did I not put him first? Then Master's big hint became all to clear to me. The man had kept saying, "I am right!" The next day, I had no problem with identifying the attachment as it surfaced in my conversation with others. Thank you Master!

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