A Telephone Conversation with My Family in China (Part II)

Lin Chuan, a Falun Gong Practi

PureInsight | April 11, 2005

Lin: Lin Chuan
Mom: Lin Chuan's mother

Lin: Mom, how have you been?

Mom: We are doing fine. When are you two going to have U.S. citizenship?

Lin: Soon. Then you and dad can move here and live with us.

Mom: [sigh] It is going to difficult for us to leave China because you two are practicing Falun Gong… Is Shi Wei home? [Note: Shi Wei is Lin Chuan's wife.]

Lin: She is not at home. She is in New York.

Mom: Again? She went to New York again to clarify the truth about Falun Gong? You two have to be more frugal.

Lin: It doesn't cost much to travel to New York. We live relatively close to New York.

Mom: Why doesn't Shi Wei try to find a job? Why don't you leave the truth-clarification work to other Falun Gong practitioners? It took a lot of efforts for you two to get to where you are now. It is time for you two to focus on your career. You shouldn't spend time on these things.

Lin: Mom, if it had not been Falun Gong, Shi Wei would still be bed-ridden today, not to mention looking for a job. Did you remember how much we had to pay for her medical treatment before she started to practice Falun Gong?

[Note: After Shi Wei came to the United States, a medical accident left her with a severe back injury. Shi Wei became bed-ridden and suffered from excruciating pain. She sought treatment from practitioners of both western and traditional Chinese medicine, but no medical doctor was able to take away her back pain. Just weeks after she started to practice Falun Gong, her back pain disappeared without a trace. She has now become a perfectly healthy person.]

Mom: Then why don't you two write to the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. and tell them about your experience of practicing Falun Gong?

Lin: We did. We have also tried to appeal for Falun Gong to the Chinese Embassy. We even had a few Falun Gong practitioners to explain to them the truth about Falun Gong on our behalf and to deliver a letter containing the truth about Falun Gong and our appeal. But they refused to open the door or see us. Of course, we understand that they are only doing what their boss told them. They are not the decision makers. We have no choice but to practice Falun Gong in front of a small public park in front of the Chinese Embassy so that the staff members of the embassy can see with their own eyes what Falun Gong is.

Mom: Chuan, if the Chinese Embassy asks for a meeting with you, you must be friendly and courteous to them, OK?

Lin: Don't worry about it. I have been practicing Falun Gong for years. I think I know to behave with basic good manners. Last time when Shi Wei and I went to the Chinese Embassy to try to extend our Chinese passports, we had an opportunity to talk to a staff member surnamed Lin. Although he took away our passports and refused to extend them, we took the opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to him peacefully. We will never treat the staff members at the Chinese Embassy as our enemies. Falun Gong practitioners do not regard anyone as an enemy.

Mom: Did you ask the U.S. government to communicate with China for Falun Gong?

Lin: This is what Falun Gong practitioners have been doing. We have been writing and distributing truth-clarification material to the U.S. government and human rights organization because we hope that, after they understand the truth about Falun Gong, they will pressure the Chinese Communist government to stop persecuting Falun Gong.

Mom: What is the U.S. government response?

Lin: Our efforts have proven to be effective. The U.S. government has passed several resolutions to condemn the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) violations against its promises to improve the human rights condition in China. The U.S. government has also successfully rescued some Falun Gong practitioners in China and brought them to the U.S. There are still some U.S. officials who have been silent about this issue of Falun Gong because they have business investments in China and have succumbed to the CCP's economic incentives. So we must continue to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to these officials. Other countries are responding to the CCP's persecution against Falun Gong in a similar way. Because we are asking governments worldwide and the United Nations to help end the persecution, the CCP has spread lies in the Chinese communities worldwide that Falun Gong has liaisons with anti-Chinese forces outside of China.

Mom: Oh…actually I think you two should be satisfied with practicing Falun Gong at home. You cannot possibly fight the Chinese Communist government. Why do you have to bring these troubles upon yourselves?

Lin: There is nothing wrong with practicing Falun Gong at home, but let's think about this for a minute: The CCP has been using its diplomatic muscle, its media outlets outside of China, its special agents and even thugs for its hate propaganda and smear campaigns worldwide. If we were to sit idly at home and watch the governments and people worldwide fall prey to the CCP's malicious lies about Falun Gong, we probably wouldn't even be able to practice Falun Gong at home. All the Mainland Chinese Falun Gong practitioners outside of China might have been extradited back to China already. The persecution against Falun Gong would have become a global persecution.

Mom: I guess you are right.

Lin: The fact that we can practice Falun Gong outside of our homes freely proves that we have done the right thing to step forward and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. That's the reason why Falun Gong practitioners decided to launch a newspaper, a TV station and a radio station to expand the avenues for people to learn the truth about Falun Gong.

Mom: Oh, you must not work for those media outlets…

Lin: Whether I volunteer to help with these media outlets or not, the CCP has already put me on its blacklist. As long as I practice Falun Gong, the CCP will continue to treat me as an enemy. Besides, what is the difference between distributing newspapers on the streets and distributing truth-clarification materials on the streets?

Mom: I am just worried that you might be manipulated.

Lin: Don't worry. No one can possibly manipulate Falun Gong practitioners because we are not interested in anything but our cultivation practice. Of course, we welcome everyone's support of Falun Gong. By the way, mom, I seem to remember that you are a member of the CCP?

Mom: Yes. I am.

Lin: After the collapse of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe, the Communist Party has become very infamous worldwide. Some governments have even passed laws to make the Communist Party an illegal organization in their countries.

Mom: China is different from other countries.

Lin: But the CCP has always been committing crimes since its establishment.

Mom: I admit that the CCP has made some mistakes in the past, but why must we dwell in the past? Don't you see that China is doing rather well these days?

Lin: Mom, the CCP is hiding a lot of information about the CCP from the people in China. I have read a lot of scandalous truth about the CCP revealed by former high officials of the CCP after they fled from China. I found the truth to be rather shocking and frightening. China's national treasury has already been emptied by the CCP a long time ago. China's economy is solely relying on continuous resupply from foreign investments.

Mom: It cannot be that bad. Your dad's and my money is still in the bank.

Lin: In the past, you could buy a lot of things with 1,000 yuan, but you can only buy very few things with 1,000 yuan today. You and dad have worked hard all your life, but the money can disappear in a flash. But those corrupted CCP high officials are decadently spending in the U.S. As soon as they come to the U.S., they each purchase multi-million dollar homes --- in cash. Where do you think they get their large amount of cash?

Mom: But the CCP has already launched an anti-corruption movement and a movement to "Uphold the CCP" not long ago.

Lin: That is only the smokescreen to cover the CCP's officials' severe corruption. While Jiang Zemin was the General Secretary of the CCP, all the corrupted officials brought to justice were outside of his own faction. Today's CCP is composed of a bunch of thieves and bandits. After these thieves and bandits have collected enough money, they promote their own children and relatives to become the next generation of the CCP's high officials so that they can also collect their shares of money from the national treasury. No one in the CCP cares about the Chinese people's future or survival!

Mom: Don't say things like that.

Lin: By the way, now that you mentioned the movement to "Uphold the CCP," do you know why the CCP launched this movement?

Mom: They wanted to purify the members of the CCP.

Lin: That is not true. It is the CCP's panic response to a popular trend worldwide to withdraw from the Communist Party. As of March 25, 2005, nearly 480,000 people worldwide have published a statement at the Epoch Times to withdraw from the Communist Party. The trend is becoming increasingly popular each day. I think the CCP has become very afraid.

Mom: Although we can only hear about positive news about the CCP because we live in China, it does not necessarily that all the negative news you have been hearing about the CCP is reliable.

Lin: Let me put it this way. Do you agree it is true that the CCP has been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners?

Mom: I do think they have been horrible to Falun Gong practitioners.

Lin: Since you are a member of the CCP and the CCP is now persecuting me because I practice Falun Gong, isn't it fair to say that you are also participating in its persecution against me?

Mom: Well…

Lin: Besides its persecution against Falun Gong, you are also part of the CCP's other crimes against the Chinese people since its establishment. Have you ever thought about how you are going to explain yourself to others after the CCP collapse?

Mom: OK. I give up. It is impossible to stop you from practicing Falun Gong. It is also impossible to make you stop clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. I only have one wish. Do not get involved in politics. Watch out for yourself. Don't fall into anyone's manipulation.

Lin: I can promise you that. I started my cultivation practice of Falun Gong because I am interested in cultivation instead of politics. Every single effort we are making right now has nothing to do with politics. We cultivators are not interested in power or fame. We are only concerned about ending the persecution against Falun Gong. Mom, if you have the opportunity to meet with your bosses, could you tell them the truth about Falun Gong?

Mom: Sure.

Lin: OK. That's enough chat for today. You both take care.

Mom: OK. Goodbye.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2005/3/25/31694.html

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