Grand Falun Gong Parade in Melbourne, Australia on the 25th Anniversary of the Anti-Persecution

Yang Liang

PureInsight | August 28, 2024



On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center. (Grace Yu/The Epoch Times)

On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center, calling on Australia and the international community to protect human rights and freedom of belief and stop the CCP's 25-year brutal persecution of Falun Gong.




On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center. (Bai Chuan/The Epoch Times)


On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist regime, led by then-leader Jiang Zemin, launched a genocidal crackdown on Falun Gong practitioners with the full power of the country. Good people were brutally suppressed for upholding the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance," and countless practitioners lost their freedom and lives. This crime that has lasted for many years has not ended to this day.

In order to stop the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne spontaneously organize marches, rallies and other activities around July 20 every year to resist the CCP's persecution and clarify the truth to the public.

At 12 noon, the rain stopped, and the majestic music of the Divine Land Marching Band sounded, and the members led the entire parade team to march to the music. The sound of drums and trumpets was melodious, and the melodious music of pipes and flutes was moving. The blue and white costumes and the magnificent music complemented each other, which was refreshing and memorable.


The "Falun Dafa is good" square then appeared, and the Chinese and English versions of "Zhuan Falun" were magnificent and eye-catching. "Zhuan Falun" is the main work of Falun Gong and has been translated into 50 languages.




Accompanied by soothing music, Falun Gong practitioners performed graceful and peaceful exercises. Their pure and peaceful minds were revealed from the inside out, making for an unforgettable experience.


The float depicting a lotus boat, with children dressed as celestial beings seated on it, decorated with flowers and innocent smiles, brought blessings to the world.




The solemn and dignified procession in memory of those who died for their faith saw practitioners holding portraits of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death in mainland China. The portraits included their life stories, origins, and persecution experiences. At the front, practitioners held a white wreath with the word "Remembrance" engraved on it, expressing their deepest condolences.


In the "Three Withdrawals" formation, people held banners reading "END CCP" and "Disintegrate the CCP," calling on the Australian and global public to recognize the CCP's nature and choose justice.


The waist drum team followed, with bright yellow costumes and joyful drumming bringing hope, celebrating the courage of over 430 million Chinese people who have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, rejecting evil and aspiring towards light.


The parade started from Queen Victoria Gardens, passed through Chinatown and several bustling main streets, and finally reached the State Library. The grand and solemn procession extended for hundreds of meters, attracting many passersby who stopped to watch and record the unforgettable scene with their phones.




On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center. The picture shows people stopping to take pictures. (Bai Chuan/The Epoch Times)


On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center. Peter Westmore (wearing a red scarf), former chairman of the Australian National Citizens Council, joined the parade to express his support. (Grace/The Epoch Times)

Melbourne Resident: The CCP is Despicable and Disgusting

Melbourne resident Mish Jones loved the parade that day. She believes the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is real and deeply sympathetic.

She stated that Falun Gong promotes peace and kindness, and practitioners call on the CCP to be held accountable for its actions through parades and other means. Perpetrators will ultimately face justice.

Jones said, "People need to live in harmony, need peace and kindness. Although we look different on the outside, we are the same inside. Our hearts beat, and we breathe together. We all long for safety and hope our families are safe." However, the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is "a despicable and disgusting act," and "this is the path the CCP has chosen."

She wanted to tell practitioners in China, "Please stay safe. If you are arrested for practicing, you might be imprisoned. So, please protect yourselves. I hope each of you can live a happy life."




Melbourne Resident: You Have Added a Special Scenery to the City

Sartori, who worked in the union before retiring, is very familiar with Falun Gong practitioners. "They have been (anti-persecution) for many years. I'm not easily influenced, but I admire them."


Melbourne resident Sartori admires Falun Gong practitioners for their long-term resistance to the persecution. (Yang Liang/The Epoch Times)

He said, "They are ordinary people, practicing in the park, never causing disturbances. They just stand by their small table, handing out materials to passersby, in a way that is not offensive."

"Other religious groups used to come to my door to preach, but Falun Gong practitioners don't do that. If you don't want any materials, you just say 'No, thank you,' and that's it. If you stop, they will tell you more about what interests you. They also have a petition against organ harvesting.

"If a practitioner asked me to sign, I would say I had already signed the petition, and they would understand and thank me. That's it, no interference with my normal life."

Sartori wanted to tell Falun Gong practitioners, "You are concerned for very legitimate reasons about what is happening in China (persecution), which is why you are always on the streets."

"You are good people. I think what you are doing is positive and constructive. You have added a special character to the city."












On July 20, 2024, some Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne held the annual "July 20 Anti-Persecution Parade" in the city center. (Grace Yu/The Epoch Times)

(The Epoch Times)


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