Piano and Cello Duo: "Please Sit by My Side" CD Series (16): "Autumn"

PureInsight | March 21, 2005


Composed by Ms. Xie Yijun
Piano played by Ms. Jie Xiaojing
Cello played by Ms. Xie Yijun

Listen Online: Real (5:28)
Download: Real (2.8MB) | MP3 (3.8MB)

Lyrics that describe the theme of the music:
When I see fellow Falun Gong practitioners braving against the scorching sun or the chilling rain to repeatedly clarify the truth about Falun Gong with patience and compassion, I see many touching stories that feel like autumn, both warm and sad.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/music/articles/9/25927.html

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