Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party: Part 4

<i>The Epoch Times</i> Staff

PureInsight | December 27, 2004

The Chinese Communist Party Opposes Nature

Poster promoting Red Guards' beating people,
destroying property, and raiding homes. The
slogan in the picture says, "Smash the old world;
build a new world."


The Chinese pay a lot attention to the "Tao" also known as "The Way." In ancient times a brutal emperor would be called "a witless ruler that lacks the Tao." Any behavior not conforming to the standard of the "Tao and virtue" was called "not following the way." Even revolting farmers put out banners proclaiming "achieve the Way on behalf of heaven." Lao Zi [1] said, "There is something mysterious and whole, which existed before heaven and earth. Silent, formless, complete, and never changing. Living eternally everywhere in perfection, it is the mother of all things. I do not know its name; I call it the Way." This suggests that the world is formed from "Tao."

But in the last hundred years, the sudden invasion by the Communist specter has created a force against nature and humanity, causing unbelievable pain and agony that has pushed human civilization to the brink of destruction. Its violence, which deviates from the Tao, is against the world and is an extremely malevolent force against nature.

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows what is natural." [2] In ancient China people believed in complying with, harmonizing and co-existing with nature. Mankind merges into nature and relies on nature. The Tao of the universe does not change. The universe runs according to the Tao in an orderly manner. The Earth follows the changes of nature, so it has four seasons. By following the order of the universe and the earth, mankind will enjoy a harmonious life of gratitude and blessings. This is why the Chinese value "the right time, advantageous location, and harmony with people." [3] For them, everything—astronomy, geography, the calendar system, medicine, literature, and even social structures—follows this concept.

But, what the Communist Party promotes is that "humans will definitely win the war against nature" and "philosophies with class struggle are at this war's core." They defy the naturalness of heaven and earth. Mao Zedong said, "Enjoy the fight against heaven to the utmost, enjoy the fight against Earth to the utmost, and enjoy the fight against humanity to the utmost." Perhaps the Communist Party enjoys these struggles, but the people suffer tremendously from these conflicts.


I. Fight against People, Eliminate Humanity

The Reversal of Right and Wrong Eliminates Humanity

A human being should first live according to nature and then according to society. "Men at their birth are naturally good"[4] and "Compassion is common to all people"[3] are among the many guidelines that human beings bring with them at birth, guidelines that enable them to distinguish right from wrong. In contrast, the CCP believes that human beings are like animals or even machines. The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are just material forces.

Marx said, "Material forces can only be overthrown by material force." He believed that the entire human history is nothing but the continuous evolution of human nature, and that human nature is in fact class nature. He believed that nothing is inborn and everything is the result of the environment. Marx thought that mankind is in all instances "social man," and disagreed with the "natural man" concept postulated by Feuerbach.

Marx said, "Theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses."[5] Lenin believed that Marxism cannot be generated naturally among the proletariat, but must be infused from outside. Lenin tried his best but still could not cause workers to shift from the economic battle to the political battle that directly targets taking power. So, he pinned his hopes on the "Conditioned Reflex Theory" put forth by Nobel Prize winner Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Lenin said this theory "has important meaning for the proletariat all around the world." Trotsky [6] even vainly hoped that conditioned reflex would not only psychologically change a person, but also physically change the person, in the same way that a dog drools once it hears the lunch bell ringing. He expected soldiers hearing gunshots would change, acting more bravely and devoting their lives to the Communist party.

Since ancient times, people have believed that rewards come from great effort. Through hard work one gains a wealthy life. People have contempt for indolence and believe reaping benefits without doing the work is immoral. Communism spread throughout China like a plague, and, under the encouragement of the CCP, social gangs and the idle divided land, robbed private property, and tyrannized people. This was done publicly and under the color of law.

Everyone knows that it is good to respect one's elders and care for the young; it is bad if there is no regard for elders and teachers. The ancient Confucian education had two parts: Xiao Xue (Elementary Studies) and Da Xue (Advanced Studies). Xiao Xue education was received before turning 15 years old and mainly focused on culture, public health, social behavior and speech. Da Xue education emphasized self-restraint and acquiring knowledge. During the CCP's campaigns the teachings of Lin Biao [7] and Confucius were criticized, and the Party erased all high moral teachings from the curriculum offered the younger generations.

An ancient saying goes, "One day as my teacher, and I should respect him as my father for my entire life."

On August 5 1966, Bian Zhongyun, a teacher of Beijing Normal University Women's Middle School, was forced by female students to walk down the street wearing a dunce cap and clothes stained with black ink, and beating on a dustbin. She was forced to hang a heavy black board on her neck, and, with her knees forced down to the ground, was burned with boiling water and beaten to death with a nailed wood stick.

A female principal of Peking University Middle School was forced by students to knock on a broken washbasin and yell "I am a bad element." Her hair was cut off to humiliate her, and her head was beaten so that blood gushed out as she crawled on the ground.

Everyone thinks to be clean is good and to be dirty is bad. But the CCP promotes "getting mud all over the body and doing heavy-duty hard labor that causes calluses to cover your hands." The Party thinks it is good that your "hands are black and your feet are sticky with cow dung." They think such people have the best moral standards, should attend the university, become Party members, get promoted and eventually become the purely Communist successors of the CCP.

Mankind has progressed because of the accumulation of knowledge, but, under the CCP, gaining knowledge was considered bad. Intellectuals were classified as the stinky ninth category--on a scale of one to nine. Intellectuals were told to learn from illiterates, and needed to be re-educated by poor farmers before they could start new lives. In order to carry on the re-education of intellectuals, lecturers from Tsinghua University were banished to Carp Island in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Schistosomiasis [8] was very common in this area, and even a labor camp originally located here had to move. Lecturers were infected once they touched the river water and developed cirrhosis, thus losing their ability to work and live.

Under former Chinese Premier Minister Zhou Enlai's instigation, the Cambodian Communist Party (Khmer Rouge) carried the persecution of intellectuals to the limit. Everyone believed to have independent thinking had to be reformed both spiritually and physically. From 1975 to 1978, one-quarter of the Cambodian population was killed. Some people were killed just because they bore marks of wearing spectacles on their faces.

After the Cambodian Communist's victory in 1975, Pol Pot started to establish socialism – "a heaven in the human society"—that promoted a society without class, without urban and rural differences, no currency or commercial trade. In the end, the family structure was torn apart and replaced with male labor teams and female labor teams. They were all forced to work and eat together, and wear the same black revolutionary or military uniform. Husbands and wives could only meet each other once a week with approval.

The Communist Party claims to fear nothing about heaven and earth. It has hoped in vain to reform heaven and earth, and completely defies righteous elements and forces inside the universe. Mao Zedong wrote while a student in Hunan,

"In history, all nations had great revolutions. By washing out the old things and dying them new colors, they bought on great changes of life and death. It is the same with the destruction of the universe. The destruction of the universe is definitely not the final destruction, and destruction here will be birth over there. We all expect the destruction of the universe, because in destroying the old universe we get the new universe. Isn't that better than the old universe?!"

Affection is a natural emotion for husbands, wives, children, parents, and friends. Developing these relations is normal in human society. Through continuous political campaigns, the CCP changed humans to wolves, or even an animal that is more fierce and cruel. There is an ancient saying, "The tigers never eat their own cubs, although they are fierce and cruel animals." But under the ruling of CCP, parents and children or husbands and wives confessing one another's secrets became very common, as did renouncing familial relations entirely.

In an elementary school in Beijing in the mid-1960s, a female teacher unintentionally put "socialism" and "fall down" together when she was preparing a spelling quiz for her students. Students informed the CCP officials of her actions, which resulted in her being criticized and denounced. Male students slapped her face in public meetings everyday. Her daughter renounced their relationship. Whenever anything happened her daughter would disclose her mother's "new class struggle situation" during class meetings. For several years following the mishap, the teacher's only work was to clean the school and its toilets everyday.

People who went through the Cultural Revolution should never forget Zhang Zhixin, who was sent to jail because she spoke the truth and criticized Mao for his failure in the Great Leap Forward. Prison police many times stripped off her clothes, handcuffed her hands to her back and threw her into male prison cells to let male prisoners gang rape her until she became insane. The prison feared she would shout slogans when she was being executed. They pressed her head on a brick and sliced off her tongue without any anesthesia.

Even in recent years with the persecution of Falun Gong, the CCP uses the same old means of inciting hate and instigating violence.

The Communist Party suppresses virtuous human nature, and instigates, connives and uses the evil side of humans to strengthen its rule. One campaign after another, people with conscience are forced to keep quiet because of their fear of violence. The communist system completely destroys universal moral standards and completely overthrows the concepts of good and bad and of honor and shame that have been maintained by mankind for thousands of years.

The Evil that Transcends the Law of Mutual Generation and Mutual Inhibition

Lao Zi said,

"The whole world knows what is beautiful because of the existence of wickedness; it knows what is benevolent because of the existence of unkindness. That's why have and have-not generate each other, difficult and easy lead to one another, long and short reflect each other, high and low lean toward each other, voice and sound harmonize one another, and front and rear accompany each other."

Simply put, the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition exists in the human world. Not only are humans divided into good and bad persons, but also good and evil co-exist within a single person.

Dao Zhi, an icon of bandits in ancient China, told his followers, "Bandits should follow the Way as well." He went on and elaborated that being a bandit should also be "honorable, courageous, equitable, wise, and benevolent." That is to say, even a bandit cannot run wild. He also has to follow certain rules.

Looking back on the history of the CCP, we can say that it is full of trickery and betrayal, with no one willingly abiding by any rules or regulations. For example, what bandits honor the most is what is "equitable." Even their place to share the booty is called "the Hall of Righteousness for Dividing the Spoils." But among the comrades within the CCP, whenever a crisis arises, they will expose and accuse one another, and even fabricate false charges to frame one another.

Take General Peng Dehuai [9] for example. Mao Zedong, who used to farm, of course knew that it was impossible to produce 130,000 jin [10] of grain per mu [11] and that what Peng said was all true. He also knew that Peng had no intention of taking his power, let alone the fact that Peng has saved his life several times when Peng fought Hu Zongnan's 200,000 troops with only 20,000 troops of his own during the CCP-KMT war. Nevertheless, as soon as Peng expressed his disagreement with Mao, Mao, bursting into rage, immediately threw into a garbage can the poem he wrote in praise of Peng—"Who dares to ride on horseback and stand up front armed with a sword —only our General Peng!" Mao was determined to put Peng to death, despite the nobility of Peng's life-saving comradeship.

The CCP kills brutally rather than governing with benevolent policies; it persecutes its own members and is engaged in internal strife in contempt of comradeship and personal loyalty; it barters away China's territory, acting disgracefully like a coward; it makes itself an enemy of upright faith and belief, lacking sagacity and wisdom; it repeatedly launches mass movements, which contradicts the way a wise man would administer the nation. All in all, the CCP has gone so far as to give up the basic requirement that "even bandits should follow the Way as well."

Its evilness has gone well beyond the law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition in the universe. The CCP completely opposes nature and humanity for the purpose of confounding the criteria for good and bad and overturning the law of the universe. Its unrestrained arrogance has reached its zenith, and it is doomed to come to a complete collapse.


II. Contending with the Earth Violates the Law of Nature and Causes Numerous Scourges

The Class Struggle Extends to Nature

Jin Xunhua, a 1968 high school graduate from the Wusong No.2 Middle School of Shanghai and a member of the Standing Committee of the Middle School Red Guards in Shanghai, was sent down to the countryside of Heilongjiang Province in March, 1969 to receive re-education. On August 15, 1969, fierce floods rushed down from a mountain range and soon inundated the areas surrounding the Shuang River. Jin jumped into the swift currents in order to retrieve two drifting electric wire poles for his production team and was drowned.

The following are two diary entries of Jin before he died.

"July 4
I am beginning to feel the severity and intensity of the class struggle in the countryside. As a red guard of Chairman Mao, I stand fully prepared to fight head on against the reactionary forces with the invincible Mao Zedong Thought as my weapon. I'm willing to do that even if it means I have to sacrifice my life. I will fight, fight, and fight to the best of my ability to consolidate the proletariat dictatorship.

July 19
The class enemies in that production brigade were still arrogant. Educated youth came to the countryside precisely to participate in the three major revolutionary movements in the countryside, first and foremost, the class struggle. We should rely on the poor class and the lower-middle class peasants, mobilize the masses and suppress the arrogance of the enemies. We educated youth should always uphold the great banners of Mao Zedong Thought, never forget about the class struggle, and never forget about the proletariat dictatorship."

Jin went to the countryside with the thought of fighting heaven and earth and reforming humanity. His diaries reveal that his mind was full of "fights." He extended the idea of "struggling with humans" to contending with heaven and earth, and eventually lost his life for it. Jin is a typical case of the philosophy of struggle and, at the same time, undoubtedly became its victim.

Engels once said that liberty is a reflection of inevitability. Mao Zedong went on and added, "and a reform of the world." This final touch fully brought to light the CCP's view of nature, namely, to change nature. The "inevitability" as understood by the Communists is the matter out of their eyesight and the "pattern" whose origin is beyond their exposition. They believe that nature and humanity can be "conquered" by mobilizing the subjective initiative to understand the objective laws. The Communists have made a mess of both Russia and China, their two pilot fields, in their efforts to change nature.

The folk songs during the Great Leap Forward show the arrogance and stupidity of the CCP: "Let the mountains bow and let the rivers step aside"; "There's no Jade Emperor in the heaven and there's no King of Dragons on earth. I am the Jade Emperor and I am the King of Dragons. I order the three mountains and five gorges to step aside, and here I come!"

The Communist Party has come! So came with them the destruction of the originally harmonious world and the disruption of the equilibrium of nature.

Disrupting Nature Causes the CCP to Reap What It Has Sown

Under its agricultural policy of keeping the grain as a key link of all programs, the CCP, without any restrictions, converted large areas of mountain slopes and grasslands in an attempt to make them into arable lands, and filled in rivers and lakes in China to make cropland. What was the result? The CCP claimed that the grain production in 1952 exceeded that of the Nationalist period, but what was not revealed by the CCP was that not until 1972 did the total grain production in China exceed that of the peaceful Qianlong Reign of the Qing Dynasty. Even up to this day, China's average grain production per capita is still far below that of the Qing Dynasty. It is a mere one third of that of the Song Dynasty, when the agricultural production was at its peak in Chinese history.

Indiscriminate cutting of trees and filling and leveling rivers and lakes have resulted in drastic environmental deterioration in China. Today, China's ecosystems are on the brink of collapse. The drying-up of the Hai River and the Yellow River and the pollution of the Huai River and the Yangtze River sever the life line on which the Chinese nation has depended for its survival. With the disappearance of grasslands in Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang, clouds of sand have made their way into the central plains.

In the 1950s, under the guidance of the Soviet experts, the CCP built the Sanmenxia hydraulic power station on the Yellow River. This power station gives a generating capacity only on the level of a medium-sized river to this day, despite the fact that the Yellow River is the second largest of all the rivers in China. To make matters worse, this project has caused an accumulation of mud and sand at its upper reaches and raised the altitude of the riverbed. Because of this, even a moderate flood brings enormous life and property losses to people on both sides of the river. In the 2003 flood of the Wei River, the peak water flux was 3700 cubic meters per second, one that may occur every three to five years, and yet the disaster it caused has been unprecedented over the past 50 years.

There have been a multitude of large-scale reservoirs built in the locality of Zhumadian, Henan Province. In 1975, the dams of these reservoirs collapsed consecutively. Within a duration as short as two hours, 60,000 people were drowned, with a total death toll being as high as 200,000.

That the CCP continues its wanton acts in the land of China warrants attention. The dam on the Yangtze River and the project of transferring the southern water to the north are the attempts by the CCP to change the natural ecosystems with investments accounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. This is not to mention those small and medium-sized projects to "battle the earth." Furthermore, it was once suggested within the CCP that an atomic bomb be used to blast open a passage on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to change the natural environment in western China. Although the CCP's disdain for its land and its arrogance has shocked the world, they are not unexpected.

In the hexagrams (Ba Gua) of The Book of Changes, China's ancestors regarded heaven as Qian or the creative, and revered it as the heavenly Tao. They considered the earth as Kun or the receptive, and respected receptive virtues.

Kun, the hexagram following Qian, is explained in The Book of Changes as such: Being in the hexagram of Kun, Earth's nature is to extend and respond. In correspondence with this, superior persons handle and sustain all things with bountiful virtues.

The Confucian notes on The Book of Changes say, "Perfect is Kun's greatness; it brings birth to all beings."

Confucius further commented on the nature of Kun, "Kun is the most soft, yet in motion it is firm. It is most still, yet in nature, square. Through following she obtains her lord, yet still maintains her nature and thus endures. She contains all things, and is brilliant in transforming. This is the way of Kun—how docile it is, bearing heaven and moving with time."

Clearly, only in the earth mother's receptive virtues of softness, stillness, and endurance in its following of heaven, can all things sustain and flourish on earth. The Book of Changes teaches us the proper attitude toward the heavenly Tao and earthly virtues, requiring us to follow heaven, abide by the earth, and respect nature.
The CCP, however, in violation of Qian and Kun, teaches "battling with heaven and fighting with the earth." It has plundered the earth's resources at will. In the end, it will inevitably be punished by heaven, the earth and the law of nature.


III. Fighting against Heaven, Suppressing Faith and Rejecting Belief in God

How Can a Limited Life Understand Limitless Space-time?

Einstein's son, Edward, once asked him why he was so famous. Einstein replied, pointing at a blind beetle on a leather ball that it did not know the path it crawled is curved, but "Einstein knows." Einstein's answer truly has deep implications. A Chinese saying conveys a similar meaning, "You do not know the true face of Mountain Lu precisely because you are in the mountain." To understand a system, one must step out of that system to observe it. So with limited notions, mankind will never be able to understand the true nature of the limitless space and time of the universe, and thus the universe will remain forever a mystery for mankind.
The realm non-traversable by science belongs to metaphysics or ideology, the realm of "faith."

Faith, a mental activity that involves experience and understanding of life, space-time and the universe, lies beyond that which can be managed by a political party. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" [12] However, based on its pitiful and absurd understanding of the universe and life, the CCP calls everything outside of their theories "superstitions," and subjects believers in God to brainwashing and conversion. Those unwilling to change their faith have been insulted or even killed.

Real scientists hold a very broad outlook of the universe, and will not deny the unlimited "unknown" with his or her own limited notions. The renowned scientist Newton, in his book Principles of Mathematics published in 1678, explained in detail the principles of mechanics, tidal formation, and planetary movement, and calculated the movements of the solar system. Newton, who was so eminently accomplished, said repeatedly that his book was a mere description of surface phenomena, and that he absolutely did not dare to talk about the real meaning of the ultimate God in creating the universe. In the second edition of Principles of Mathematics, in expressing his faith, Newton wrote, "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being… As a blind man has no idea of colors, so we have no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things."

Let us put aside the questions of whether there are heavenly kingdoms that transcend this space-time and whether those seeking the Way can return to their divine origins and true selves. One thing we can all agree on: Believers in a righteous faith all believe that goodness begets goodness and that evil will be punished. Righteous faiths play a very important role in maintaining human morality at a certain level. From Aristotle to Einstein, there has been belief in the existence of a prevailing law in the universe. Humanity has never stopped probing for the truth of the universe through various means. In addition to science, why cannot religion, faith, and cultivation be accepted as other ways and means through which to uncover universal truth?

The CCP Destroys Humanity's Righteous Faith

All nations have traditionally believed in God. Precisely because of belief in God and the karmic causality of good and evil, humans would restrain themselves and maintain social morality. At all times and across the world, the orthodox religions in the west and Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the east have all taught people that true happiness comes from having faith in God, worshipping heaven, being good to others, cherishing what one has, and being grateful for one's blessings.

A guiding premise of Communism has been atheism—the belief that there is no Buddha, no Tao, no past lives, no after life, and no retribution. Therefore, Communists in different countries have all told the poor and the lumpen proletariat [13] that they do not need to believe in God; they do not need to pay for what they do; and they do not need to abide by the laws and behave themselves. On the contrary, they should use trickery and violence to acquire wealth.

In ancient China, emperors, considered to be of supreme nobility, still placed themselves below heaven, calling themselves sons of heaven. Controlled and restrained by "heaven's will," they would, from time to time, issue imperial edicts to blame themselves and repent to heaven. The Communists, however, take it upon themselves to represent the will of heaven. Unrestricted by any rules and laws, they are free to do anything they want. As a result, instead of an "earthly paradise," they have created a hell on earth.

Marx, the patriarch of Communism, believed that religion is the spiritual opium for the people. He was afraid that people would believe in God and refuse to accept his Communism. The very first chapter of the book Dialectics of Nature by Engels contains a criticism of metaphysics and mysticism.

Engels stated that everything during or before the Middle Ages had to justify their existence before the trial of human rationality. As he made this remark, he regarded himself and Marx to be judges in such a trial. Bakunin, an anarchist and friend of Marx, commented on Marx this way, "he appeared to be God to people. He cannot tolerate anyone else as God except himself. He wanted people to worship him as they would God, and pay homage to him as their idol. Otherwise, he would subject them to verbal attack or persecution."

The traditional orthodox faith constitutes natural obstacles to the Communist arrogance.

The CCP has lost all its composure in the frantic persecution of religion. During the Cultural Revolution, numerous temples and mosques were torn down, and monks were paraded in humiliation through the streets. In Tibet, 90 percent of the temples were damaged. Gong Pinmei, a Catholic priest in Shanghai, was persecuted by the CCP because of his faith. He was put behind bars by a tyrannical regime for nearly half a century during which time, for more than 30 years, he was placed in solitary confinement. The CCP more than once pressured him to renounce his faith and to accept the leadership of the CCP's "Three-Self Patriotic Committee," [14] in exchange for his release. Gong refused. After he did get released from prison, he came to live in the United States in the late 1980s. When he died at the age of over 90, he left a will that said, "Move my grave back to Shanghai when the CCP no longer rules China."

Even today, the CCP continues religious persecution, jailing tens of thousands of house church Christians.

In recent years, the CCP's crackdown on Falun Gong practitioners, who stand for the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, has been an extension of its doctrine of "fighting against heaven," as well as an inevitable outcome of its forcing people against their will.

The atheist Communists derive joy from fighting heaven and attempt to subdue believers of God. Their absurdity cannot be described in words; descriptions such as arrogance or hubris cannot even begin to depict a fraction of it.



The Communist practice has failed across the globe. Jiang Zemin, a former leader of the last major Communist regime in the world, had this to say to a correspondent of The Washington Post in March of 2002, "I believed when I was young that Communism would prevail soon. I don't think that way anymore." At present the number of those who truly believe in Communism is few and far in between.
The Communist movement is destined to fail since it violates the law of the universe and runs counter to the heavenly Tao. Such an anti-universe force will surely be punished by the heaven's will and divine spirits.

Though the CCP has repeatedly survived crises by changing its face and clinging to the last straws that have saved them, its inevitable doom is clear to all. Shedding its pretty coats one by one, the CCP is revealing its true nature of greed, brutality, shamelessness, cowardliness and opposition to the universe. Up to this day, it continues to control people's minds, twist human ethics and thus bring ravages to human morality, peace and progress.

The vast universe carries with it the irrefutable heaven's will, which can also be called the will of the divine, or the law and force of nature. Humanity will have a future only if humans respect heaven's will, follow the course of nature, observe the law of the universe, and love all beings under heaven.

[1] Lao Zi (also known as Lao Tzu, Li Er or Li Dan), Chinese philosopher, lived in 6th century BC. He is credited to be the author of Dao De Jing (Tao-Te Ching) , the seminal book for Taoism.
[2] Dao De Jing, Chapter 25.
[3] Book of Mencius.
[4] Rhymes of Three (San Zi Jing) , a traditional Chinese text for elementary education.
[5] Karl Marx, "A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right."
[6] Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Russian theorist of Communism, historian, and military leader, founder of the Russian Red Army. Murdered in Mexico City by agents of Stalin, and died on August 22, 1940.
[7] Lin Biao (1907-1971), one of the senior CCP leaders, served under Mao Zedong as a member of China's Politburo, as Vice-Chairman (1958) and Defense Minister (1959). Lin is regarded as the architect of China's Great Cultural Revolution. Lin was designated as Mao's successor in 1966 but fell out of favor in 1970. Sensing his downfall, Lin reportedly became involved in a coup attempt and tried to flee to the USSR once the alleged plot became exposed. During his flight from prosecution, his plane crashed in Mongolia, resulting in his death.
[8] Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasitic worms. Infection occurs upon contact with contaminated fresh water. Common symptoms include fever, chills, cough, and muscle aches. In more serious cases, the disease can cause liver, intestine, lung, and bladder damage, and, in rare cases, seizures, paralysis, or spinal cord inflammation.
[9] Peng Dehuai (1898-1974): Communist Chinese general and political leader. Peng was the chief commander in the Korean War, vice-premier of the State Council, Politburo member, and Minister of Defense from 1954-1959. He was removed from his official posts after disagreeing with Mao's Leftist approaches at the CCP's Lushan Plenum in 1959.
[10] "jin" is a Chinese unit for measuring weight. 1 jin = 0.5 kg.
[11] "mu" is a Chinese unit for measuring land area. 1 mu = 0.165 acres.
[12] Matthew, 22:21.
[13] Lumpen proletariat, roughly translated as slum workers. This term identifies the class of outcast, degenerate or underground elements that make up a segment of the population of industrial centers. It includes beggars, prostitutes, gangsters, racketeers, swindlers, petty criminals, tramps, chronic unemployed or unemployables, persons who have been cast out by industry, and all sorts of declassed, degraded or degenerated elements. The term was coined by Marx in The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850.
[14] Three-Self Patriotic Committee (or Three-Self Patriotic Church, TSPC) is a creation of the CCP. "Three-self" refers to "self governing, self supporting, and self propagating." The Three-Self Patriotic Committee requires Chinese Christians to sever ties with Christians outside of China. The TSPC controls all official churches in China. Churches that did not join the TSPC were forced to close. Leaders and followers of independent house churches are persecuted and often sentenced to prison terms.

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