Young Practitioner's Experience Sharing: Calling People in China

Chen Xinyi (USA)

PureInsight | July 19, 2004

[] My name is Chen Xinyi, but I'm generally called by my nickname, Guoguo. [Her nickname Guoguo implies the meaning of "righteous fruit" as guo means "fruit" in Chinese. Chinese parents often use two repeating Chinese characters as a nickname for their child. In addition, her last name is Chen, so her nickname combining her last name becomes "Chen Guo," which means "fruit of success" in Chinese.] I am a young Dafa practitioner in Washington DC and am nine years old. I'd like to share with you my experience of calling people in China.

There was a time when I just did not call people in China to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. One day, an aunt [Out of courtesy and affection, Chinese people often address an older woman outside the family as aunt] came to my class at Minghui School and shared her understanding about the importance of clarifying the truth to the Chinese people. Daddy had also tried to convince me of the importance of such a truth clarifying activity. Daddy told me that countless tales in Chinese history say that heaven will punish those people who helped persecute Buddha Fa (Law and principles in the Buddha School), so we should try to do our best to save these people who are against Falun Buddha Fa (or Falun Dafa) to be spared from heaven's rage. Daddy also said that, if I could help people understand and accept the truth about Falun Buddha Fa, they are likely to establish a new predestined relationship with Falun Buddha Fa in the future. Daddy also keeps encouraging me to tell my schoolmates about Falun Dafa. He said if I neglect to be diligent in this, they will later reprimand me for not telling them. Once, Xiao Bao, a five-year-old practitioner in Washington, D.C., shared with me her experience of calling Chinese people. [Xiao Bao started to call people in China to tell them that Falun Dafa is good when she was only three years old. ] The Minghui School once arranged a special class, where each volunteer teacher let her students take turns calling people in China. After watching a few classmates call China at Minghui School, I decided I should also call from home.

At the beginning, I had no idea what to say, so I read the words on the sample script that the aunt had given me. There were sentences like,

"Uncle (Aunt), how are you! I am calling from the USA. May I have a minute of your time?"

"Please remember Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Please remember Falun Dafa is good!"

"I am a young Falun Gong practitioner. I'd like to share with you good news. People in more than sixty countries around the world are practicing Falun Gong. Falun Gong is very popular around the world."

"Falun Gong teaches people to cultivate their mind nature and to be a good person. It is a good cultivation practice that teaches people to be virtuous."

If the person continued to listen, I would tell him/her about the truth behind the staged "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation," and about the more than a dozen lawsuits that were filed against Jiang Zemin worldwide.

Sometimes the line was busy, the call did not go through, or no one answered the call. Sometimes they would hang up on me right after they hear me saying, "Falun Dafa is good." I would write down these numbers and their responses in my little log and call them again in the future.

Once, when I called an uncle in China, there were a lot of other people next to him. He listened to me for a while and then he and an aunt started laughing at me. After I said, "Falun Dafa is good," the aunt imitated my voice to jeer and taunt me. But I still felt they were not bad people, because they let me finish with what I was saying.

Recently Mom printed some phone numbers she thought to be phone numbers at post offices in China. After the line was connected, an aunt answered. She first asked me who I was looking for and I said I was looking for her. Then I started to talk about the facts of Falun Gong. She asked me if I knew where I had called, I said it was a post office. She said, "No, it's a police station. You'd better hang up." I said, "Never mind, may I talk with you?" Once I called an elderly lady and talked with her about Falun Gong. When I paused, she said, "Ah, we belong to the same family!" She was very nice.

It does not upset me if people swear at me because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. For example, when I called another older lady, right after I started talking about Falun Gong, she started cursing at me. She told me to get lost and seemed to curse me out with a language I couldn't understand and that was foreign to me. Anyhow, she interspersed her speech with curses.

These are just some of my experiences and understandings of calling people in China.

I feel I have improved a lot in my cultivation from making these phone calls. In the past it terrified me if people said bad things to me, but now it no longer upsets me, even when people curse me over the phone. I am now participating in Fa-rectification work by clarifying the facts about Falun Gong on the phone. I think other young practitioners who haven't called people in China should give it a try. People in China listen when a child calls them from outside of China. It is not difficult at all to call people in China, and we are helping these people when we call them. I feel it is really important to make such phone calls to China, telling them the facts about Falun Buddha Fa.

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