PureInsight | October 22, 2001
After several of my friends mentioned a recent article in Discovery magazine talking about the many-worlds theory, I had several thoughts, some of which I would like to share.
With the emergence of quantum mechanics, scientists have discovered that although electrons can be individually observed, they seem to interact with micro-particles at remote distances. Furthermore, they have the ability to simultaneously permeate everywhere, like water waves. Such a strange phenomenon has perplexed many scientists. These scientists, however, have stopped thinking about versatile electrons due to the successful application of quantum mechanics—something that has led the scientific mainstream to accept these phenomena. When today’s students study science, they are studying it as though there’s only one theorem: “It exists as such.” Only a very few scientists have thought about other issues. Among them, Einstein wondered what the world described by the formula of quantum mechanics would be like.
In 1957, a Ph.D. student first proposed what was later to be called the Theory of Many Worlds. His hypothesis stated that an electron actually coexists in many different worlds, and that we have only observed the electron’s manifestation is this world. At that time, the idea received little receptivity. Fortunately, a Nobel laureate supported the idea and helping it to spread afterwards. The laureate even helped the student further understand the theory.
When we accept the idea that matter exists in many different worlds or dimensions, many things from this human dimension will display themselves differently. In this dimension, we see mountains, waters, people, and society, so why shouldn’t these things exist in other dimensions? In this dimension, the sky can quickly change from being clear, to wind or rain. People can even get sick “out of the blue.” Or, sometimes, when people are struck with an idea, something really seems to happen in society. Aren’t all of these things triggered from other dimensions?
Those who have studied quantum mechanics know that an electron’s movement differs from movement in the macro-worlds. From the perspective of the many-worlds theory, matter in the macro-worlds does not demonstrate its connection to other dimensions very clearly. Classical physics draws its theorems from what is apparent in this dimension and it excludes what is not apparent. However, if one is able to break through this dimension—something contrary to the laws of physics—isn’t this person said to be super-normal? But [perceiving] things that are a long distance away, or blocked, or not apparently substantial in this dimension, can be as simple as flipping one’s hand in another dimension. For example, clairvoyance is when the eye in another dimension transfers the information it read to this dimension. Remote-sensing, remote-viewing, fortune telling, and mind-reading all appear to have gone beyond the limits of this time space, yet in other dimensions, they are perhaps right before the eyes. The key is to transfer information between dimensions.
Going beyond physics, what one does and thinks is observable with supernormal capabilities; it is clearly recorded in other dimensions. Therefore, when one commits wrong deeds, it is not completely finished. In this dimension, others may not know about the wrong deed , or it may have managed to escape punishment. In other dimensions, however, it cannot be covered up. This illuminates the eternal truth that, “the only way to keep others from knowing [what you did] is to not do it.” Both western and eastern religions and traditions have taught people to do good deeds to return to good places after death. There is a reason for that. After death, the body in this dimension is burnt; but what happens in other dimensions?
As a matter of fact, many first-class scientists studying space or the human brain have received inspiration from religion. The cognitive methods used by religions and ancient Chinese science are different from those of modern science, which we can even begin to explain with modern scientific language.
Discover Magazine, “Quantum Shmantum,” September 2001 issue
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