The Colors of Life

Wang Weixing

PureInsight | February 4, 2002

I am always inspired by vibrant and resplendent colors. I always want to express matters in a dazzling manner, like a brilliant piece of jade. But in the past, whenever I tried to paint from life or nature, the colors that I could paint were limited those that our eyes can see. Thus, the pictures looked monotonous and lacked vigor. That is why I often felt torn when trying to paint.

Recently, I have had the opportunity to live in Paris for a period of time. I found that the intensity of the colors in Paris is very much like that I wish to express. Once, I chanced to attend a large-scale photographic exhibition about volcanoes from around the world. The colors of the volcanoes also looked very similar to the colors I sought.

When I was strolling along the streets of Paris, especially noticing the holiday lights, I felt uncertain and asked myself, “are those artificial, man-made colors what I really want to express?” At that moment, the colors of volcanoes and magma came to mind and merged with the holiday lights. Suddenly, I realized that the colors that I wanted to express were “the colors of life!” Volcanoes emit substances of life. People like vibrant colors and magnificent lights, perhaps because they recall the colors from their primordial lives. They attempt to reproduce those colors in a variety of ways.

Red, yellow and blue are primary colors. They are so pure and vibrant that they can compose millions of colors. The colors red, yellow and blue are composed of different substances at different levels. The higher the level, the more exquisite the substances are, and the more transparent the colors are. Master Li spoke about this several years ago, but at that time I did not have a deep appreciation of the meaning of his words. Now, I understand why people think that jade and diamonds are so noble. These gems are precious not only because they are rare, but also because they come from very high levels. They are exquisite and beautiful.

Five years ago I was introduced to Falun Gong. On the second day after I read the book Falun Gong, my Primordial Spirit left my body and flew into the sky while I slept. I experienced a relaxation and happiness that I had never experienced before. I flew energetically and laughed, free from all anxiety. The situation surprised me and I didn't know where I was. There were neither clouds nor houses. All I could see were different colors. Now, I understand. That was the place where my life originated. Those were the colors of my place of origin. Without hesitation I quickly returned to paint a canvas. I know that what I want to paint are “the colors of life” from the primordial universe.

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