Journey of Sacred Destiny: (19) Motian Kingdom and the Pyramid


PureInsight | July 25, 2024

[] One year after worshipping the Buddha of Majesty, during a morning meditation, Mo Cai saw the priest carrying a backpack and walking towards the distance. Everywhere he went, there was a flicker of light, and his tall figure in the golden light made Mo Cai feel particularly close to him. Watching the gradually receding figure in the golden light, Mo Cai was inexplicably moved and tears flowed down her cheeks. Mo Cai knew that the priest was leaving Motian Kingdom to spread light to the world.

Mo Cai quickly ended her meditation and hurried to the Golden Tower. She saw the priest and his backpack on the table. Mo Cai knelt in front of the priest, looked up at him, and her heart was filled with reluctance, not knowing what to say.

The priest helped Mo Cai up and said, "Princess, we all came with our own missions, and we have a sacred pledge with the lives of the heavenly realm. Please view departures and everything in the world with the magnanimity and detachment of a cultivator, and strive to maintain the mentality of a cultivator. The Buddha has already planted a pure lotus seed in the world. After millions of years, the lotus seed will quietly sprout and bloom, and it will exude a fragrant scent in the world. Motian Kingdom will shine brightly because of the blooming of the lotus flower, and all beings will be reborn because of the blooming of the lotus flower. In each lifetime, we will always meet in different forms. In the vast universe, in the bewildering world, the children of Motian Kingdom, wandering in the human realm, will be led by the hand of destiny, transforming endlessly and breaking through the dust together. Princess, do not be bound by worldly affections. The Pure Land of the Buddha awaits the return of their Lord. You must view everything in the world with a balanced heart." Mo Cai nodded and bowed to the priest again.

The priest took out a letter and asked Mo Cai to deliver it to Mo Le, then left the Kingdom of Motian. Although Mo Cai felt reluctant to see the priest leave, she knew that she was fortunate to have a strong holy connection and an invisible guiding hand. She silently prayed to meet the priest again.

In the letter, the priest informed the King that he would travel the world and return after some years. He also mentioned that a young priest, Ran Chen, would appear in the capital within half a month and asked the king to appoint him as the priest of the Golden Tower.

Ten days later, a dusty priest arrived in the capital and was warmly welcomed by the King when he carefully observed the Golden Tower. He was invited to become the priest of the Golden Tower.

As time passed quietly, Mo Cai entered a very quiet state during her Buddhist rituals. Mo Le no longer presided over national affairs and handed them over to Mo Qi. The two siblings often meditated quietly.

At the age of 53, after a Buddhist ceremony, Mo Cai realized that she would soon leave the world. She received a divine message: "Because of your involvement in building the Golden Pagoda, you have gained tremendous merit. The Golden Pagoda will exist in the world for 80 million years. During the end of times, when the Great Buddha preaches the Great Dharma, he will use this tower as a reference, and the Golden Pagoda will shine because of the Great Buddha's reference. At that time, the memories you have sealed will be opened, and you and your brother will write down the source of the Golden Pagoda and tell the world that the Golden Pagoda is immortal, and that God's arrangements are also immortal, and all mysteries will be revealed."

Mo Cai told her brother about the divine message before she passed away shortly after. On the third day after Mo Cai's death, Mo Le dreamed of her, and she said, "Brother, my heart is restless. Construct a building to guard against evil and protect my soul." In the dream, Mo Le saw a majestic lion with a human face, and he thought to himself after waking up, "This is the image of the building that will guard against evil." While paying respects to the gods and buddhas, Mo Le received a divine message: "Carve the Moksha, which will protect against evil and protect goodness, and coexist with the Golden Pagoda." Based on his dream, Mo Le had Ruolian draw the image of the building to be guarded.

Meanwhile, in the southeast of the capital, where the stones were found, there were high mounds. Mole ordered the workers to open the surface of the rock layers, and they discovered that it was a huge piece of stone, which surprised them greatly and thought it was a rare find. Mo Le and Mo Qi led the workers to thank the gods and buddhas.

Mo Qi ordered all the craftsmen in the country to come to the capital quickly. He selected 600 craftsmen to carve stone statues, the shape of which was a lion's body with a human face, imposing and majestic. It was called the Mokalita Tower at that time, abbreviated as Moli Tower, corresponding to the image of the protector god Moka in the upper heavenly realm, specializing in protecting the good and dealing with evil gods, having the function of guarding and warding off evil.

During the carving of Moka, Priest Meng Gang returned to the capital, and the whole city's people came to see him in droves. Meng Gang often walked around the Moka statue, and Ruolian saw a dazzling light falling on the building, and countless heavenly immortals were paying attention to Priest Meng Gang's every move.

After Mo Qi, Motian Kingdom went through fifteen more Kings. The last King was called Bi Tian. When Bi Tian was born, he had a half-ring of metal in his mouth, and the weather at that time was cloudy with yellow sand in the air. The priests believed this was an ominous sign. After Bi Tian ascended to the throne, he became a corrupt and depraved ruler. Despite repeated attempts by the queen to persuade him to change his ways, she eventually committed suicide. Bi Tian became even more indulgent and various ugly phenomena appeared in society.

At that time, there were many nursery rhymes:

       "The Earth Goddess Momǔ is dignified, and the world is virtuous.
       The earth goddess Momǔ speaks, and disasters spread throughout the world."

The Momǔ is in charge of one region. When the Momǔ appeared, those who had good conduct saw her solemn and dignified image, while those with extremely bad conduct saw an extremely ugly image that scared people half to death with just one utterance.

King Bi Tian did not follow the path of righteousness, and nursery rhymes were everywhere, but he remained unrepentant and continued to indulge in absurdities. He had affairs with palace ladies and even took the wives and daughters of ministers by force. One night, after drinking, he tried to bring an unchaste woman into the Golden Tower, but the priests who tried to stop him were beaten. Once inside the tower, he felt uneasy as he wobbled around and touched the Buddha statue, hastily retreating.

Two days later, the giant Buddha statue disappeared without a trace, causing panic throughout Motian Kingdom. Bi Tian was fearful, trying to cover up with more drinking, and went to the first Golden Tower to make jests about the Momǔ. This enraged her, and an earthquake occurred that afternoon, causing the southeast corner of the palace to collapse. Bi Tian still did not repent, and half a month later, during a thunderstorm and heavy rain, a lightning bolt struck him, leaving him in a gruesome state with his body split in half.

Motian Kingdom, without the protection of gods and buddhas, was eventually conquered by other countries. All the buddha and god statues were moved away from the Golden Tower. Sixty million years ago, the continent on which the Golden Tower stood sank into the sea. Countless immortals protected the Golden Tower by forming a light shield to cover and protect it. Thirty-eight million years ago, the god who arranged the changes in the terrain said, "It can go up now." So the continent rose back to the surface and stabilized. The Golden Tower has gone through many civilizations in the world and has been used by people many times. In some civilizations, it was used as a warehouse to store grain, coins, cloth, firearms, and alcohol. In other civilizations, it was worshipped as a deity or even used to put evil spirits. In some civilizations, it was used as a place to treat diseases. In a higher civilization, people used the Golden Tower as an auxiliary structure for launching rockets, and in other civilizations, it was used as a landing point for flying saucers. These uses were highly destructive, but the Golden Tower stood tall and was not destroyed due to the blessing of Buddha's power during its construction. It was not easy to leave something behind in prehistoric times, and what can be left behind is due to the protection of the righteous gods who do not let their guard down. Any relaxation of protection could lead to its destruction. What can be left behind also has very deep roots.

At different periods of civilization, different countries built the golden tower. However, without the blessing of divine power, none of them has been able to fully preserve it. The golden tower stands silently, witnessing history and waiting for revelation.

In our current civilization, the Pharaohs of Egypt misused the golden tower as a tomb, and the inside of the tower was cursed by sorcerers with malicious spells that emitted black substances. This was a desecration of the golden tower. The Pharaoh who misused the golden tower was cast into hell, which is so deep and vast that it makes the gods tremble. The misuse of the golden tower has also led to a long-lasting misunderstanding of its true purpose.

In this current civilization, the Mokalita Tower was maliciously adorned with a snake image on its forehead, and later the snake statue was struck down by the thunder god. When Napoleon entered Egypt, he received a divine inspiration in a dream and ordered his men to bombard the forehead of the Mokalita Tower, in order to eliminate the remaining aura and image of the snake. Expansion of territory, collecting artifacts, and protecting culture were among Napoleon's missions throughout his life. In the heavenly realm, Napoleon was once a disciple of the protector Moka and came with a heavenly covenant. During the era of the Motian Kingdom, he was the third generation priest of the Golden Tower, Jin Ran.

After walking through the carefully crafted history and the long years, we have reached the end of the world, and we have discovered that the hope we have been waiting for has arrived. In the book Zhuan Falun, the term "Pyramid" is used. (Note: “Golden Tower/Pagoda” as mentioned in this article series is directly translated from Chinese, but refers to the Pyramid), and the Golden Tower has its own mission, which is to come for Fa rectification. With the reference to the Lord Buddha in the Fa, the Golden Tower has gained a new life and radiates a brilliant light corresponding to the heavenly realm.

In the world of cultivation, it is known that the primordial spirit is indestructible, and it will wear different attire in its constant reincarnations. In this human civilization, the three hundred young women who participated in the construction of the Golden Tower played an important role in the battles of the early Tang Dynasty's female army.

The three thousand giants who built the Golden Tower and Moli Tower played the role of the three thousand Yuejia soldiers led by King Goujian, which overthrew the Wu State. During the Tang Dynasty, these three thousand people played the role of the Tang Dynasty's elite Black Armor Troop. Under the command of Yang's family in the Northern Song Dynasty, there were three thousand brave warriors. In the Battle of Yancheng commanded by Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, there were also three thousand heroic figures. In the late Qing Dynasty, these three thousand people played a crucial role in the battle to capture the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Tianjing. In the five thousand years of civilization, I have constantly witnessed their heroic figures. To a certain extent, the Motian Kingdom corresponds to the realm of heaven, and these three thousand warriors are related to the three thousand great thousand worlds in the microcosm.

Today, using the divine powers and wisdom I cultivated in Dafa, I traversed time and space and witnessed the origin of the Golden Pagoda. I remembered the divine intention that was passed down to me by the divine in the past: "Write about the origin of the Golden Pagoda." After experiencing millions of years, carrying the promises of life, I picked up the divine brush bestowed upon me by Master and wrote down the divine request.

During the process of writing this article, my tears fell incessantly. I saw myself, dressed in splendid clothes, making repeated promises in front of the Great Buddha: "When I have good fortune, I will not forget sentient beings who have karmic ties with me. I hope all sentient beings who have karmic ties with me will be saved and bask in the radiance of the Buddha."

Having gone through such a distant history, carrying the hopes of sentient beings for us, we may have lost our appearance, status, and dignity from those years, but we have gained the greatest title in the universe: "Dafa disciples in the period of Fa-rectification." Therefore, we must meet Master's requirements and fulfill the verse,
       “When right thoughts abide they are divine, even here
       The myriad gods await their triumphant return”
       (Stirred by Reflection, Hong Yin IV).


A few years ago, I saw the pictures of the "Art of Zhen Shan Ren Exhibition" and was deeply moved by Zhang Kunlun's work "Buddha". The impact of the work created layers of shock on my body, and I saw the shining light exploding into the microcosm of my body. When I saw the name of the author, I was also greatly shocked and felt the intense impact. At that time, I did not yet know that my memories were awakening and everything sealed was about to open.

In history, giants built the pyramids, and today people cannot see the giants, but the pyramids and the Sphinx they built still exist. After going through a long history and countless reincarnations, I hope that my article can awaken the dusty memories.

When I was telling my fellow practitioners about the giants, I saw many of them listening attentively in a space beside us. As I finished writing the article and offered my blessings to them, I saw them shedding tears. As I recounted the distant history and the promises of the past, I saw the gods and buddhas in the heavens shedding tears. I also saw in the ancient records of the heavenly realms that the divine beings who protected the Golden Tower and the people in the world all have accumulated great merits.

In Teachings From a Tour of North America, Master talked about how the ancient people built the pyramids. Master said in Teachings From a Tour of North America, “I just lifted the veil covering man’s history. (Applause) It wasn’t to discuss history, because mankind was created and formed for Dafa. So I was teaching you the Fa while telling you this history, as all of this is related to the Fa. Many things are really important for Dafa disciples, especially since these things and everything that you’re now doing are all interwoven with your responsibilities to Dafa, and since they include Dafa disciples’ own profound and critical factors. I’m explaining this in hopes that from this point on you’ll do even better in the Fa-rectification. You’ve got to try hard, and you’ve got to do well, because what you want is to consummate everything, and you have responsibilities—you have come with the mission and responsibility of saving sentient beings. Throughout history people have declared that they would save sentient beings. But who knew the true meaning of saving sentient beings? You are truly saving sentient beings, and only you are worthy of doing something this magnificent. Make sure you don’t lose this opportunity!”

In this passage, I deeply realize Master's immense Buddha's grace and understand Master's careful and thoughtful care for disciples all the way. Master has given disciples the glory, revealed the heavenly secrets to them, and given them the best of everything.

Looking back at the historical foundation and precious architectural wonders, I feel deeply moved. Nowadays, many giants have become Dafa disciples, bathed in the great compassion of the Great Buddha, and brought the good news to sentient beings who share layers and layers of predestined connections with them.

The ancient golden pyramid corresponds to the heavenly realm, to the principles of the Fa, and to everything that operates in the macro and micro, encompassing many connotations of material, structure, spirit, characteristics, mechanisms, and everything tangible and intangible.

With the revelation of the golden pyramid, the gods nod in agreement, and its brilliance reappears. Throughout the ages, the gods and buddhas have led the way, protected and blessed us, and we are grateful for their grace that we will never forget!

Through a journey of sacred destiny, we have arrived at this moment, offering devout prostrations and gratitude to the Creator and Savior of the universe, and opening a new era between humanity and the divine realm!

I see that the gods and buddhas have always been with us! The gratitude of humanity resonates like thunder in the heavenly realm, and the most beautiful and moving words are those of reverence for the gods and buddhas.

Let us cherish the time we spend with the gods and buddhas! Let us fulfill our sacred mission that has been long-standing! In our endeavor to move forward, let us not become complacent and sink in the mundane world.

Thank you for reading this article!

(The end)



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