Look inward and Change My Mindset to Overcome Illness Karma Three Times

A Dafa Disciple in Heilongjiang, China

PureInsight | July 25, 2024

[PureInsight.org] Three months ago, I felt a pain in my waist after practicing meditation. I looked inward to find out what I had done wrong to cause the pain. After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find what went wrong. I am so sad. As the pain worsened, I had a fear: why are old practitioners passing away after so many years of practice? I have only been practicing for a few years and my symptoms are the same. What will happen to me? I was very scared.

Later, Master's teachings in “The Challenges of Saving Self and Other” from Hong Yin VI came into my mind: "The superior man meets adversity head-on with a smile” “The average man can nary keep calm when faced with ordeal". I cannot compare with others. Everyone's cultivation path is different, so I kept reciting this poem in Hong Yin VI, when walking, working, and sleeping. I just kept reciting it. While reciting the Fa, I realized: No matter what kind of difficulties I encounter, as long as Master is there and the Fa is there, there will be no difficulty that I cannot overcome. In the end, I understood: Believe in Master and the Fa is not something you say, but comes from validating the Fa when you go through trials and tribulations. Once you understand these principles, any difficulty will soon pass.

Once, I went to a fellow practitioner's home to share experience. The fellow practitioner's language was extreme for me. Although on the surface I held back and didn't say anything, I felt very uncomfortable inside. Because there were four or five fellow practitioners present, this made me feel very embarrassed. On the way home, the practitioner's words repeatedly appeared in my mind. When I got home, I felt a fever all over my body. The fever lasted for two days but I kept reciting the Fa and looking inward and found my attachment to saving face, jealousy, and many more. I realized the reason why I didn't accept my shortcomings pointed out by fellow practitioners was that my Fa study was not solid, I didn't look inward when I encountered problems, and I had a strong desire to seek fame. To put it bluntly, I just do not want to improve. I should thank fellow practitioners for pointing these out. The fellow practitioner’s harsh words exposed my attachments and gave me the opportunity to get rid of them. I thanked Master for His arrangements.

One day, I went to my friend's house to clarify the truth to her. Not only did she not listen, she even said some unpleasant things. After returning home, I felt very uncomfortable. I thought: For your own good, you are not only ungrateful, but also speak so unpleasantly. My resentment came out but I immediately realized that I was wrong. I quickly confessed to Master and admitted my mistake. Master’s disciples made mistakes and must correct them. How can I blame others? It's because I haven't cultivated compassion, and I don't have that much energy to save people. In the future, I must study the Fa more and cultivate well so I can save more people.

I realized that no matter what difficulties a cultivator encounters, he/she must not waver in his/her determination to practice and his/her firm belief in Master and the Fa. Only on this basis can we overcome the difficulties, and improve our level. Turn the bad things into good things for us to cultivate our minds and improve ourselves. If we firmly believe in Dafa, miracles will appear.

Translated from: https://www.zhengjian.org/node/288480


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