PureInsight | March 21, 2005

The artist portrays a sad and typical story that befalls a married
couple that practices Falun Gong in China. A wife weeps beside her
husband, who has been tortured to death at a forced brainwashing center
in China. He holds in his hand a document that the torture staff at the
forced brainwashing facility had tried to make him sign by resorting to
appallingly cruel mental and physical tortures. He was tortured to
death for refusing to sign the pledge to renounce and defame Falun Gong.
brainwashing is one of the many typical means of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) to control its dissidents' minds through mental torture.
The CCP has been trying to make Falun Gong practitioners renounce Falun
Gong by forced brainwashing. Since July 20, 1999 when Jiang Zemin
openly announced his vendetta against Falun Gong, CCP keeps holding
forced brainwashing classes and building forced brainwashing facilities
all over China. As a result, the numbers and densities of forced
brainwashing classes and facilities in China are now far larger and
higher than those of prisons, forced labor camps, and psychiatric
hospitals in China. The forced brainwashing class and facility is where
Jiang Zemin's henchmen commit a large portion of their crimes against
Falun Gong practitioners, including murder and rape.
According to
reliable sources in China, there are some forced brainwashing
facilities inside Chinese prisons, forced labor camps, and psychiatric
hospital, but they are also used to brainwash other types of CCP's
dissidents. The numbers and the densities of those brainwashing classes
and facilities cannot begin to compare with those built exclusively for
Falun Gong practitioners. Those exclusive forced brainwashing classes
and facilities are now all over every Chinese province, autonomous
region, city, county, town, district and street. Given that China is a
totalitarian country, the fact that forced brainwashing classes and
facilities built exclusively for Falun Gong practitioners have reached
all of China's provinces, cities, counties and towns reveals that the
order to establish the forced brainwashing facilities of such a massive
scale and coverage could only come from CCP's central government.
Compared to other provinces and cities, Hebei province, Shandong
province, Guangdong province, Hubei province, Sichuan province,
Liaoning province, Jilin province, Heilongjiang province, Beijing,
Wuhan city, Guangzhou city, and Chengdu city are most aggressive in
building forced brainwashing facilities and in persecuting Falun Gong
The Chinese police and/or the local "610 Office"
would typically abduct Falun Gong practitioners from their work or
school and then throw them into forced brainwashing classes or
facilities. They would arbitrarily sentence abducted Falun Gong
practitioners to serve time at the forced brainwashing facilities and
then often extend their terms arbitrarily if they have not been forced
to renounce Falun Gong by the end of the arbitrarily sentenced terms.
The Chinese police and the "610 Office" do not abide by any law during
the process, from the abduction down to the incarceration, forced
brainwashing, torture and extension of the incarceration.
Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated in the forced brainwashing
facilities, they are watched by the torturers around the clock,
deprived of their physical freedom, deprived of their visiting rights,
and subjected to mind control. Moreover, they are bound, beaten,
electrically stunned and tortured by hundreds of means on the daily
basis. The torturers and the local "610 Office" have repeatedly
threatened to incarcerate Falun Gong practitioners in the forced
brainwashing facilities indefinitely until they renounce Falun Gong.
sources in China continue to tell us the tragic death of Falun Gong
practitioners as the result of the torture in the forced brainwashing
facilities. In Baoding city, Hebei Province alone, at least five Falun
Gong practitioners have been verified to be tortured to death in four
forced brainwashing facilities in Baoding city by the end of 2004. The
actual number of deaths is far larger.
Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2004/12/13/30295.html