PureInsight | January 17, 2005

[PureInsight.org] [Editors' Note: Since Jiang Zemin and his henchmen started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, more than 1121 Falun Gong practitioners are confirmed to have died from the persecution as of November 15, 2004. However, the actual number is significantly higher. According to the government's own official internal statistics, the number of practitioners who died after being arrested had reached 1,600 by the end of 2001. The Chinese police illegally ransacked Falun Gong practitioners' homes and looted their personal property. Millions of practitioners have been sent to forced labor camps and prisons where they have been subject to both mental and physical torture. Falun Gong practitioners' children have become victims of the senseless persecution. Some Falun Gong practitioners' children have become homeless after the police abducted their parents. Some have been left to the care of their elderly grandparents who are barely capable of living independently. Some have been illegally detained in prison along with their parents. Some practitioners' children have become homeless orphans after their parents were tortured to death. Falun Gong practitioners who are artists are now revealing to the world with their paintbrushes that innocent children in China are also victims of Jiang Zemin's persecution. They hope their artwork will help raise the world's people's awareness, conscience and their help to end the inhumane persecution against Falun Gong practitioners and their children.]
"The little girl in the painting is named Fadu. She is four years old. The sad and weary woman in the painting is Fadu's mother, Zhizhen Dai. Fadu's father, Mr. Chen Chengyong, was tortured to death in July 2001 after being taken into the Chinese police's custody for courageously stepped out to appeal for Falun Gong. Fadu lost her father forever before she can hardly comprehend what "father" means.
After learning her husband's death at Clearwisdom.net, Dai put herself together, sold all of her properties in Australia, and has been traveling around the world with Fadu to tell people their story and to call for the world's people's help to end the persecution. They have traveled to over 37 countries worldwide since July 2001.
Little Fadu has been participating in Falun Gong promotion activities and Falun Gong practitioners' parades around the world since she was 1 ½ years old. She has helped to distribute Falun Gong's truth-clarification materials. During the United Nation's Human Rights meeting, she held her father's framed photograph in front of the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland to tell people about the Chinese Communist government's persecution of her family.
For the past year, little Fadu and her mother traveled to many countries to file a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and his henchmen and to call for people's help to end the persecution and prevent more children like Fadu from losing their parents.
Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2004/11/10/29869.html