A Change of Season (Modern Prophecy)

PureInsight | December 10, 2006


Throughout the course of human time,

Not once has man been in control.

Llifetime after lifetime spent

Performing our predestined roles.

If Heaven shifts and changes come,

What shall be swept? What shall remain?

Both man and other lives bear hope,

While Heaven's Law treats each the same.

The evil ones withdraw in haste

Unable to preserve their lives.

While those deceived bewildered stare.

What goal achieved by endless strife?

A pyramid of secrets kept,

A certain few to share between,

Not knowing even Greater Ones

Observed and noted every scene.

Each life a truly precious being,

Given chances many times.

Yet some made drunk by worldly power

Know not what fate before them lies.

A change of season ushered in,

All eyes now see the world anew,

And those awakened play new roles

With better deeds to carry through.

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