The Highest Science -- Falun Dafa

Bai Zhi

PureInsight | February 18, 2002

The Dao is higher than humankind's present technology, and the truth is higher than humankind's approaches toward life. People who travel upward are higher than people who travel downward. Science is a systematic method that was created by humans to find the truth of the universe, but it is not the ultimate truth. Human beings usually examine things from their own perspective, thus unconsciously creating so many barriers such as racial discrimination, gender discrimination, regional discrimination, age discrimination and occupation discrimination. When one looks at things based on one's perceptions, the truth of the matter may not be seen. Su Shi (a famous Chinese writer from Song Dynasty) once described this situation perfectly in his poem, "The mountain looks like ridges when you look at it horizontally. The mountain looks like a cliff when you look at it from the side. You cannot see the real face of the mountain because you are in the middle of the mountain." Humans tend to think this way and it is hard to correct it. Once a notion has been formed and accepted, it becomes an unchangeable "truth" even though it may not be the actual truth. A preconceived notion becomes ingrained in the mind and obstructs one from recognizing the truth of the universe.

Modern science is an empirical science and stresses proof. But scientific research is in itself systematic and involves different steps. Verifying the evidence is the last step. From the creation of the hypotheses to the establishment of the prototype system, the basis and construction of the theory and even the establishment of the whole scientific model itself is not truly "scientific." There are different schools of thought. The differences among these schools and the different methodologies used become obvious prejudices in science. Although the instruments in Western countries are very advanced, Western people still cannot solve the problem of the duality of the objective and the subjective. There is a wide gap between the microscopic research and the macroscopic research. We still have the narrow understanding of the relationship between mind and matter. We still have very rigid concepts about limited and unlimited dimensions, directions and time. We do not really understand the relation between gods and human beings. These are problems that have not been solved by the West for a long time, from the Greek period to today's modern time. But these problems happen to be the keys that determine the fortune and happiness of humankind. Because of all these problems, human beings are still restricted by their recognition methods. A subject will not be studied until it is recognized by science. Many philosophers who are doing research on both scientific philosophy and scientific methods are searching for the complete and perfect scientific methodology. There are even more people with great wisdom who have joined righteous religion in their search for the truth, one by one.

One by one, many western philosophers have looked into both the Buddha School and the Tao School to seek a breakthrough in their fields. No matter what kind of breakthroughs they have made, the development of science has to solve the problem of prejudice and the preconceived ideas formed by the mind. Because no matter how advanced scientific technology is, it cannot compare to the knowledge and wisdom of one who has studied the Tao. One is unable to understand the vast truth of the universe with a pragmatic attitude. The method of examining every word in the Buddha scriptures is similar to trying to catch the moon from the water.

Falun Dafa is a real science. Its teachings are above the human level and cannot be detected or understood by everyday people's modern science. However, Falun Dafa requires that practitioners must fundamentally change their conventional notions, leave behind all kinds of bad attachments and cultivate their xinxing (mind/heart nature) by following the characteristic of the universe, "Zhen-Shan-Ren". The people who cultivate in Falun Dafa have therefore completely changed their outlooks. Through self-cultivation, they look at things in this world from the higher perspective of the Fa principles; hence they have changed their view of the universe, life, matter and culture. They are no longer blocked by the many human prejudices and ingrained notions the way everyday people are.

Cultivators have completely changed their views on the purpose of life. After they discarded human thinking, their xinxing improved and has met the standards of the different dimensions in the universe. When they look at situations of this human world, they often look at them from a deeper level and the crux of it. But their understanding only reflects a certain level in their cultivation and it is not the ultimate truth of the universe. This is because every Falun Dafa cultivator is continuously upgrading himself/herself through cultivation, gaining a deeper understanding of the Fa principles each time.

Many Falun Dafa practitioners possess the divine power of the Buddha Fa. They can see the things that exist in other dimensions. Their bodies are light and can levitate. They can see changes in their own bodies. They have the supernormal abilities of precognition and retrocognition and can see the manifestations of different lives in different dimensions of the universe. Their physical bodies have been transformed into high-energy matter and their energy channels have been opened. Their bodies have evolved into the Buddha body. Modern science cannot explain these things. But many Falun Dafa cultivators have experienced them. Those everyday people who are trapped in intellectual arguments can no longer understand the cultivators who have obtained the truth of higher levels. But the people in the science arena should seriously pay attention to these things. Cultivating Falun Dafa is a real path in science. Cultivating Falun Dafa can make one return to the true, original self and learn the truth. It can make one attain perfection and reach consummation. These are the reasons why there are so many people practicing Falun Dafa.

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