Recalling the Day “July 20th” of That Year

Xinsheng, a Dafa Disciple from Mainland China

PureInsight | September 27, 2024

[] July 20th of 1999, this special day, by now has already passed more than 25 years. Whenever I think of that day, pictures are still vivid in my mind, and I am still overwhelmed with emotion. Today, I will be sharing the story of that day with fellow practitioners.

I still remember that morning: I got up early to go to the group practice site for practicing. At that moment, my husband shouted at me, “If you go to the site today, I will die in front of you.” He also said, “The government has forbidden practicing. Why do you insist on doing it? I won’t stop you if you practice at home. But if you step out of the house today, I will die in front of you.” I was not intimidated by his words. I said, “It’s such a great Qigong! Why can’t I practice?” After saying that, I got off the bed and went to the group practice site. (My xinxing had reached the point where I could let go of attachments to family and life and death. Over the next 20 years of cultivation, I rarely faced interference from evil forces.) After arriving, I practiced the fifth set of exercises, meditation, with fellow practitioners.

At that time, I heard the sound of police cars driving back and forth on the street. I didn’t think about anything or even look to see what was going on. After we finished practicing the fifth set of exercises, I went home.

When I got home, I saw that my husband was fine. I knew I had made the right choice between Dafa and my family; I chose Dafa. At that time, I truly had no fear at all. I didn’t even consider whether my husband would really be in danger. Later, my husband asked me, “Did you even think about whether I would actually die in front of you?” I said, “I didn’t think about it. I just knew I had to go practice. I didn’t think about anything else.” That was the first test I passed.

After breakfast, I went to see the assistant of the exercise site with several practitioners, “What exactly was going on?” (The assistant worked for the government.) The assistant said, “There will no longer be any group exercises at the group practice sites.” At that time, I felt very upset because I had only been practicing for a little over six months. I asked the assistant, “Can we go somewhere to discuss with them?” The assistant said, “If you want to do it, you need to go to the Beijing Petition Office to appeal.” I said, “Okay. How can we get there? Can you help us buy tickets to Beijing?” He said, “I will inquire first, and you prepare the money in the meantime.”

We got the money ready and returned to the assistant's house. The assistant told us, “You won’t be able to leave by land. All the roads are being monitored by police cars at every intersection, and no one can get out. If you want to go, the only option is by water transport.” I said, “Then please buy us boat tickets.” He said, “I’ll see if the practitioners in Qingdao City can help you get the tickets.” By then, it was already past noon. We didn’t fear the scorching sun; but walked back and forth through the streets. It was already after lunchtime; I didn’t feel hungry at all, just waited anxiously for the assistant’s response.

By around 1 p.m. in the afternoon, we still hadn’t received any news. We found some practitioners at another practitioner’s house and told them that we planned to go to the central government to appeal because Dafa was being persecuted. A few more practitioners joined us.

That day, after breakfast, we hadn’t had a drop of water or a bite to eat. In our hearts, we just wanted to say something fair for Dafa and Master. We simply wanted to tell the government how great Dafa is, how righteous our Master is, and to let them know that Falun Dafa is a righteous practice.

It was the most memorable day in my life. Around 3 p.m., we went to a practitioner’s home and saw slanderous propaganda on TV attacking Dafa. I could hardly believe it—how could a government tell such blatant lies? Our Master is righteous and cannot be slandered by evil. This strengthened my resolve to go to Beijing to appeal.

That day, in the face of the truth, I came to realize how evil the Chinese Communist Party has been. At the same time, I understood that in this world, only Dafa is true, and only what our Master says is the truth. Nothing in this world was trustworthy. The Communist Party has been the biggest demon destroying Dafa.

At 6 p.m. that day, we returned to the assistant’s house again. The assistant told us, “You can’t leave by any means. The waterways are also being monitored by the police. No one can get out now. The police from all the local stations and the city’s Public Security Bureau have been dispatched, watching every bus station going to Beijing 24 hours a day.” (At that time, due to our lack of awareness, we hadn’t thought about walking to Beijing.) “No one can get out now.”

After hearing the assistant’s words, I felt like crying out loud. Holding back my tears, I returned home after being out all day. Once I got into bed, I burst into tears. The sound came from the depths of my heart, full of respect for Master and Dafa. That sound seemed to break through the earthly realm and soar to the heavens. I didn’t know how long it lasted before I fell asleep.

This was my unique experience on July 20th back then. It was a day I will never forget, a day etched in my heart forever, and it will always remain in my memory. It will also be forever recorded in the long history of time and exist as long as the universe exists.


Chinese version:




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