On Rectifying Science

A Dafa Disciple

PureInsight | February 4, 2002

First of all, what is “science?” My personal understanding is that science, in the truest sense, should be the genuine understanding of the universe and life - the genuine exposition of the laws governing the behavior of all things. Therefore, the “Fa” and the “Tao” make up science at the highest level. However, at the level of mankind filled with delusion, real science will never be understood. Perhaps it is even inappropriate to use the word “science” here. In the minds of everyday people, the word “science” refers to contemporary Western empirical science. A more appropriate word here is probably “Tao”.

On the other hand, people are curious and want to seek the truth, so various ways of describing and expounding on the laws of the universe and various “ways of knowing” have appeared. The scientific ways of the ancient times in China, the empirical science of modern times, or other ways are included in this. Fundamentally, these ways of knowing are not the real Tao. What they are able to explore is only a small piece that Gods allow human beings to know. The only difference between these ways lies in how close or how far away each is from the Tao. If it is close to the Tao, it will help to preserve human civilization for a longer period of time; if it is far from the Tao, degeneration will be accelerated.

However, due to their own ignorance, people have delimited their own boundaries. When they found that their approaches to knowledge could describe patterns of the ways things change, they thought that they had found the real Tao. Then, as these ways were passed down through systematic education, one of the conditions required to maintain their deviation, and even increase it further developed. The more it develops, the more people become increasingly limited in their understanding. They have labeled everything that exists outside their area, including the real Tao, as heresy. As it has developed, more people have set boundaries for themselves, to the point where “science” is confined only to the empirical science of the West. In China, empirical science has been fraudulently replaced with authoritarian science, and atheism is promoted within it. The rules and regulations found in textbooks are regarded as precepts that should not be changed or doubted. Human beings continuously draw smaller frames for themselves within frames, and then draw even smaller frames inside those small frames. In the end, they claim that the tip of the bull’s horn that they are digging into contains everything. The problem not only lies in the continuous limitation of the scope of cognition. Even more important is the deviation that takes place. “A minimal deviation will result in wide divergence.” The further it develops, the more wrong it becomes, which brings to mind Zhang Guolao riding backwards on a donkey. In this way, “science” has by now truly gone against the Tao and became an obstacle to the spreading of Dafa.

I believe that the process of development discussed above should also serve as a warning for us: whatever principles you have enlightened to through cultivation or whatever you have really seen, you should not think of yourself as being special or extraordinary. You should not be satisfied or try to protect your current understanding. Otherwise, you are deviating further and further away from the Tao.

When rectifying science, we should be clear that the goal is definitely not to maintain or develop the empirical science of today. I personally think that no matter how much we purify or perfect the human science, it will not have significance for the future, because the basis of science itself is deviated.

Then since all of this will be eliminated, why do we need to rectify this “science?” Because this “modern science” is a huge obstacle to Fa rectification, we must remove this obstacle. The field formed by science has confused all beings, while the promotion of atheism is poisoning the souls of humans. It has become a great obstacle to waking up the original kind nature of human beings. The material reality created by modern science has evolved into numerous hands holding onto cultivators and preventing them from moving upwards, causing people to fall into this dream of delusion.

Therefore, I believe that the aim of rectifying science is not to maintain or perfect it, but to clear away the obstacles for Fa rectification. Correcting the idea that “modern science encompasses everything” will help people become aware of the innate inadequacies of modern empirical science, and subsequently truly think about what the real Tao is. Then, there may be a chance for them to be saved.

As for personal cultivation of Fa-rectification disciples, “breaking up human notions” is beneficial too. When it is pointed out to us that the principles that we used to take for granted in life and tacitly approved of are examples of deviation, we might suddenly become aware of that. At the same time, the obstacle that comes from such deviation in other dimensions would be cleared away.

Then how do we remove the deviation of science? We may use the latest discovery that cannot be explained by modern science to expose its inherent inadequacy. Establishing correct and righteous understandings is another way of breaking though falsehood.

Some fellow practitioners believe that if we try to expose the inadequacy of science with scientific methods, then we would still be operating within the boundary of science. My understanding is that if you debate the issue at the same level, then you are falling into the trap of modern science and thus becoming one who fixes its inadequacy. However, if you examine the question and try to solve it from a higher level, then its fundamental defect will reveal itself. Then we will be at ease in using different ways to solve problems. We could establish righteous understanding or expose the self-contradicting nature of empirical science. Even if we use the ways of science, we would not be led by science. In fact, it is the same with other issues. For example, with regards to external interference, if we analyze it using theories at the level of the interference, we will not be able to jump out of its level. However, if we stand higher, we will be able to see the situation clearly. Not only will we not be influenced by it - if possible, we may even take advantage of it and turn a bad thing into a good thing.

Let me talk about something that is further away from the original subject matter. Many fellow practitioners came up with their own understanding of the specific forms and methods that we should utilize in Fa rectification. My question is, how can a being that has mastered principles of the higher levels be bound by the concepts, means and ways of thinking from lower levels? One who has possessed principles of higher levels should be wiser and more unrestrained, because he can look into the essence of things with a mere glance without getting lost in it. I have experienced this in my cultivation process. After taking up cultivation, even in a complicated society, I can still live my life in a relaxed and unrestrained manner. When others talk to me, I know what they are going to say as soon as they open their mouths. The Fa has been guiding me in what I should do, so often the results of my actions are quite good. Although my behavior is at the level of ordinary people in form, the essence and power of the principles at higher levels already exist behind it.

Actually, the difficulty we encounter in the process of Fa rectification, to a certain degree, comes from our own notions that are obstructing us. When a problem arises, if we place ourselves at the same level as the other party, or even place ourselves at a level lower than the other party while considering the problem, we will only get lost in it or even become controlled by the other party. Even though you actually have that ability and wisdom, your own notions will obstruct you. Moreover, this notion can also hamper you and make you overly cautious in doing things – “This way is not suitable, that way is not appropriate.” The result is that you will be bound and limited. However, if we try to resolve the problem at a high, or even higher, level then we have already become higher than the other party and able to go beyond the confusing situation established by the other party. We will then be able to see the essence or nature of the matter clearly and do things without much concern, and the wisdom and ability bestowed upon us by the Fa will be displayed fully. At that time, even an ordinary twig in the hand can cut through an iron rod as if it were mud. Won’t it be easy to solve a problem of lower levels using the principles of higher levels?

This is my personal understanding. Please be kind enough to correct me.


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