Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance: Reflect from the Heart

Brian Trought - Ireland

PureInsight | April 11, 2002

Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance – Reflect from the Heart
Saving people with benevolence
With compassion and virtue in abundance
Dafa disciples give everything to save sentient beings

My name is Brian Trought. I live in Cork, Ireland and have practiced Falun Gong for 2½ years. I have taken part in truth clarifying activities for just over a year and a half.

Throughout these past 2½ years, I've experienced the wonders and beautiful realms of Zhen-Shan-Ren. Master's compassion has filled me on many occasions – sometimes to the point where tears would fill my eyes. At these times, I could feel compassion flowing from my innermost being, through my eyes, hands, everywhere. I felt at home as a part of the universe. How could I not save sentient beings? How could I not "revere Dafa's saving grace?"

When clarifying the truth, benevolence permeates throughout me. My heart unlocks, everyone, everything is one. The boundaries and distances between people fade, and I understand why we exist, to save sentient beings.

Whenever I felt like this, I would write, write anything that came to mind. Sometimes it is poems, sometimes stories. But each time I felt that none of these could truly reflect my thoughts. After all they are only words.

I feel that poetry is the language of the enlightened people. However, in ordinary life, I have no relationship with literature or the written English language. Master says "If every one of you can understand the Fa from the depths of your mind, that will truly be the manifestation of the Fa whose power knows no boundary—the reappearance of the mighty Buddha Fa in the human world!" (From 'Cautionary Advice' in Essentials for Further Advancement) These poems and stories truly come from the depths of my heart. I write to show how Dafa can fundamentally and truly change a person, to demonstrate the power of Zhen-Shan-Ren.

I recall Master saying that the things he learned, the things he studied were passed down to one person and "taught from the heart." At my present level, it seems that poetry is one of the main forms through which I can express myself, through which the beauty of Dafa can manifest and even awaken the misled people of China.

For the precious Chinese people;

Dafa is being spread
A chance to return home
Back turns and you walk away
Tears drop
Try to save you again.

Fellow practitioners, let's use every form possible to validate Dafa and save sentient beings.


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