My Understanding of Fa-Rectification - Part 1

A Yue Feng

PureInsight | May 14, 2001

I am going to discuss my personal understanding of Fa-rectification from three aspects.

1. Some Ideas about Fa-Rectification

Teacher says: “What are we rectifying in the Fa? We rectify all that which has deviated from Dafa.” Thus we are straightening out all that is warped and so, it seems to me, Fa-rectification covers a wide-open range and is not limited to any one certain area. Let’s put it this way: To go to appeal and clarify the truth to the Chinese government is only one alternative on our action items list. Meanwhile, shouldn’t we help rectify the Fa in other areas? The reason is as follows. Fa-rectification is not a single or narrow concept. Appealing to the Chinese government to get it to change its position can only yield a shallow gain, since even if it did so the Fa would not be fully rectified. Without rectifying the totality, human beings would still be living in an environment that has mutated and is somewhat warped. That would only be a single piece and not full Fa-rectification.

Then you may think “What shall I do?” or “All we can do is such and such and other things are out of our reach”. I hope the principle in Teacher’s statement about the correlation between the deviation of human beings and their moral degeneration is clear to all of us. Doesn’t it follow, then, that the warped human beings should gradually return, gradually be rectified, to righteousness during our moral sublimation due to the vast population of cultivators? The answer is definitely yes, per the cosmic principle of Dafa. Its manifestation will be the arrival of New Science. The new genuine science will steadily replace the deviant existing science, because everything in human society changes along with the moral status. As the human moral level goes up and up, it is bound to lead to a revolution in science. This is the Fa-rectification process outside of China. Its importance is as great as, or even greater than Fa-rectification inside China. Its’ being greater is in the sense that there is no political persecution on us here forcing us to do something.

So what shall we do? Most of us practitioners in North America are in science-related fields. Teacher says: “Later lots of Dafa practitioners will be enlightened and become experts or scholars.” Many people took that as referring to the next life or future generations. But remember Teacher’s saying that he won’t be here next life and that he would finish up everything in Fa-rectification before going away from this world. Therefore, Fa-rectification should be at this time and in all places and not confined to any single sphere, since Teacher says that, in the future, human languages, clothing, science, literature, culture, living situations, and so forth are all going to be different and brand-new. Then shouldn’t we rectify Fa right now in each and every area? Shouldn’t each one of us accomplish something now in our own area of specialty?

Talking about this may cause headaches in many people: “My line of work doesn’t stand out; it’s not very promising”. Of course, it’s not so easy for something to qualify as “cultivation practice during Fa-rectification”. But according to the cosmic principle of Dafa, the genuine right stuff will show up as the proper result of human beings’ moral sublimation. It seems to be very difficult as long as we are blocked by the outer shell of human concepts. To an everyday person, it is almost unimaginable that our body can be changed/purified in the course of our individual cultivation. The key is to transform one’s thoughts first. The same rule applies to the integrated cultivation of all of us. We all need to transform our thoughts first; then we can make the breakthrough that will change our condition. Only by using this process to become assimilated with the Dafa principle, will we then have wisdom. If we think we can’t or that it’s impossible, then we’ll be stuck there; we are not meeting the requirements of the cosmic law and so do not have the wisdom to break off this “shell”. Only if we forsake those limited thoughts, then we can go on.

Actually rectifying Fa is to be done under these warped conditions. It’s not up to the gods to act or the Master to wave his hand to change everything. The Gods’ acts are only to symbolize the phenomena of cosmic change, while the solid steps are to be done by humans. This understanding comes to me from Teacher’s saying that we are tied closely to Fa-rectification. If the change is done by the Master’s waving a hand, then we will all be re-created and lose our own identities. Without any exception, every one of us is in the warped environment; all of us are in the midst of mutated modern concepts. Nobody can say that he is a practitioner and so he is out of and above it; so long as we have not reached consummation, every one is in it. Thus, it’s up to us to take action - to forsake the bad things, to transform the mutated thoughts, and to rectify the warped conditions together with fellow practitioners. This is my general idea of the process of Fa-rectification; it is the process of cultivation practice, while Fa is nurturing and establishing us.

2. Rectifying Fa in Scientific Fields

“What today’s scientific and technology community has discovered is sufficient to change our present textbooks” (Zhuan Falun). Nobody is systematically compiling such findings and boldly challenging authority. “Humans are drifting with the science so as to keep the status quo for their benefits and positions. Nobody is willing to rock the boat” (“Lectures in United States”). Hearing these words, we are, of course, not to go to extremes. Teacher says: “I am not against science.” But what message do we take from this? In accordance with Teacher’s saying that “Fa-rectification in the universe will not slow down in its progress by humans’ cultivation”, I think that, on the other hand, the changes won’t fail to happen even if you, he, or I can’t conceive of it. During the moral sublimation, new things for human beings should appear; this is per the cosmic principle. Teacher says, in his article “Remaking of Humankind,” that “ The authentic reality will definitely bring about new sciences and new understandings. The Cosmic Law will make its appearance in the world once again.”

In Lecture One of Zhuan Falun, Teacher talks about pre-historical civilizations with many examples. In his “Lecture at Los Angeles”, he touched upon the concept of Heaven and the origins of oil /seawater /diamond /gold so as to help us break off the shells of ordinary people’s thinking. Then what do we as practitioners realize from these teachings, as well as from his mentioning of the city made of lights, lie detectors, the Bermuda triangle, the Egyptian pyramids, the Moon being man-made and hollow, and the rest? Isn’t Master trying to give us future scientists some hints? We seem to pay little attention to or overlook Teacher’s remark that we will be the pioneers in each area of the future science. Isn’t there some clue as to how to look at other dimensions, when we hear that “a mirage may appear only under foggy conditions”?

We learn in Zhuan Falun that if we go beyond a single point and look at the whole plane, then we can see the physical existence of another dimension. There has already been some breakthrough to the other dimension. Electromagnetic waves cannot be seen or felt; aren’t they in another dimension? Science has discovered many real examples and laid down some foundation. It’s just nobody has followed up along this new line of thinking. So isn’t it also Fa-rectification in terms of reality?

When Teacher lectured on the ancient Chinese medicines, he described someone’s using the “Yellow Liquid Drug (YLD)” to pull teeth. The YLD fumes were inhaled in this dimension but traveled in another dimension to the tooth in order to separate it from the gum. Then it seemed very easy to remove the tooth in this dimension. Its theory is similar to that for the Qigong treatment of illnesses. In this dimension, no YLD fumes would be consumed. I am able to and have duplicated this YLD from herbs. Those who have the Celestial Eye may try to take a look at this YLD’s action in the other dimension. And biochemists may perform lab analyses of the YLD. But you cannot have any meaningful results from the lab analyses, because its medicinal effects are represented not only in this dimension but are also tied to another dimension. Ancient Chinese science is multi-dimensional and cross-functional; it is not as simple as modern medicine’s single-dimensional development. Then what’s the hint from this YLD story? I don’t think that Teacher was just chatting with us. The YLD’s theory is totally different than that of the modern but mutated science. Think about it: Can single-dimensional treatments have the same excellent effects as two- or multi-dimensional treatments? Gradual human moral degeneration has caused tighter and tighter closure of dimensions, now down to only a single dimension. According to the Master, the ancient humans had high enough moral standards that the Gods allowed them the manifestation of many truths. But too many good substances are out of bounds for modern human beings and medicines are becoming more and more restricted. A little bit more elaboration on the YLD: from this dimension the YLD seems to be composed of several herbs. Actually this is an illusion because the truth is that the corresponding herbal substances in another dimension are responsible for the effects. Also, the YLD actually works the human body in another dimension, not the body in this dimension. Specifically, the medicine in another dimension causes its effects on the body in another dimension. So the apparently magical effect we see in this dimension is only a surface illusion reflecting events in other dimensions.

I would like to explain that I am making this YLD not for experimental purposes, not for money, not just to satisfy someone’s curiosity, and not for showing-off. It is for supporting the schedule of Fa-rectification so as to facilitate connecting up future scientists’ thoughts and the new way of thinking. It’s for the purpose of supporting our mutual efforts to help human beings go back to the righteous way of scientific research.

3. Rectifying Fa in the Warped Environment

Teacher’s poem “Sailing in the Righteous Fa Boat” goes like this:
Is it True? Is it Mystical? Shall one cultivate?
One’s deep in trance and losing awareness.
Be conscious to get out of this state!

Those who are members of a religion should reflect on themselves. They already know that cultivating Falun Dafa is good and have started the practice. But some are still blissfully going deep into trance and losing awareness, not really cultivating his/her own main spirit. They should be made aware of this fact. You may think that this is related only to the religious and we have nothing to do with it. Actually we are all in it. This warped Big Religion, Modern Science, controls us all. We have been learning from and educated by it. And we wrongly try to validate Dafa on the basis of modern science. What a mistake! I think that rectifying Fa scientifically is not to use this science for validating Fa. We should not use theories from the mutated science but use Dafa principles to explain our inventions and discoveries. Everything comes from Dafa, including our wisdom. We should not try to polish it by painting it with the warped science. Why don’t we do Fa-rectification straightforwardly and magnificently? We are in a mutated environment. To do Fa-rectification in it we must bind closely with the Dafa at every moment. This is the only way we won’t drift. The Fa-rectifying process is our cultivating process; Fa is in the process of nurturing and establishing us as well. All are one. We are practicing cultivation during Fa-rectification and both are in step. We are closely tied with Fa-rectification and so at its end we’ll reach consummation. (Please notice that this article is only my personal opinion.)

I can’t afford to stop studying the Fa, because I know that I am in a warped, mutated environment. My thoughts, my mind and body, are all immersed in wickedness. I can hardly do anything righteously. Constant study of Dafa makes me aware of my own degree of being warped or wicked. I try to rectify my thoughts while sensing that no single molecule is good. Like last time when I was trapped in the devil’s cave, I have constantly tried my best to break away from the mounds of mutated trash. Meanwhile, I sensed the high-level Fa-principles and realized many things that should not be shared or communicated to others. Alas! Cultivation is so wonderful: As soon as your thoughts reach the standard, then wisdom will come; if you stay at a lower level, the status quo will never change. It’s as simple and thin as a sheet of paper, so easy to punch through it when you are there. It took me so long to realize that enduring tribulations and risks in the cultivation of righteous Fa ended up with removal of the one very last layer of clothes, figuratively speaking. We shall actively take charge in cultivation and in Fa-rectification. We won’t be misled by the warped things but will transform our thoughts first. When our thoughts match up to the Dafa’s standard, then we will have wisdom. Having no change in status and being wrapped up by the “shells”, we will be far away from our goal, which will seem to be in sight but up in the sky. When it is all finished, we may feel like we are just awaking from a dream separated from reality by a distance as thin as a piece of paper, while twinkling stars are so bright in the heavenly sky.

Master states in the preface, “Lunyu”, of Zhuan Falun that “In order to explore this domain, humankind must fundamentally change its conventional thinking.” And that “If human beings are able to take a fresh look at themselves as well as the universe and change their rigid mentalities, humankind will make a leap forward. The Buddha Fa enables humankind to understand the immeasurable and boundless world.”

(Delivered at the New York City Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference on 04/22/2000)

(Translated from:

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