The Price of Tinkering with the Immune System

A Dafa Disciple

PureInsight | October 15, 2001

Before, I strongly believed in the effects of vaccine shots. I never missed a single vaccination. However, a real life experience made me a little suspicious of the effects. One winter, I took the latest and greatest flu shot. But, one month after I had the shot, I caught the worst case of the flu that I ever had in my life. For ten days I had a stuffy nose, headaches, fever and other symptoms, presumably from infection with a different strain of the flu virus than the one in the vaccine. After I had my son, I became more aware of the "true face" of vaccines. My two-year-old son was always healthy. But every time he had vaccinations he always had fevers, coughed and vomited; it always tortured him for many days. Recently, I saw an article on called "Unravel the Mystery of Vaccines." It said that every year children become ill or even die from vaccine injections. I remembered that recently in Science magazine, there were two articles that used a scientific perspective to confirm the side effects that the immune system can have on the body. It can, under special circumstances, kill cells in the body, shortening the lifespan.

Modern science recognizes the function of the immune system as the body's protection from microbial attacks. It finds the bacteria or virus or the invading substances and then begins eliminating them from the body. Science has discovered that when these prevention systems are trying to control invaders that resemble normal tissues in their molecular makeup and eliminate them, they sometimes also kill a huge number of normal cells at the same time. These side effects can cripple or even kill the person. For example, if it causes serious inflammation in the back of the vertebrae in the brain area, it can trouble or even kill the person. [1]

The other article is an experiment with worker bees. The experimenters used a manmade gel composed of a fatty sugar and milky gum that had no bad side effects on the body nor produced any symptoms of disease. It was used to nonspecifically excite the worker bees' immune responses. It investigated the effects the stimulated immune system of a starved worker bee had on its body. The "starved" situation is similar to that of an animal subjected to bad weather or a limited food supply in a natural setting. The results showed the starved bee group that had been given the nonspecific immunostimulant had life spans 50 – 70% shorter than the control group of starved worker bees whose immune systems had not been stimulated. This experiment explicitly stated that the immune response itself could shorten their lifespan. [2]

Why did the starved group and the control group have this kind of difference? It's because under normal conditions the side effects of the immune system are hidden because only limited, controlled specific responses are stimulated and because of the repair function of the internal cells and components. However, in starved situations when an overwhelming nonspecific response is turned on, it cannot provide this kind of immune response repair, so the harm brought by the immune response is shown. In normal situations when the virus is invading the body, the changes cannot be seen clearly on the outside, but there can still be harm from the immune response.

This doesn't suggest that the immune system lacks the function to prevent and eliminate diseases. At the very least, on a cellular level, modern science uncovered some serious side effects that the immune system can wreak. Under certain circumstances it can kill large numbers of host cells, shorten the lifespan of other cells, and thus compromise organ function or life itself. Should we now rethink things the next time we are faced with the vaccination question?

1. Science 292, 1112-1115 (2001).
2. Science 290, 1166-1168 (2000).

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